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#1 Parent al76 - 2010-08-31
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

Thanks for the feedback Nick. Sorry if i meant your were being abrupt.

Great photo btw, I really envy you for having been out there. That's an experience that loads of people can't say they have had!

#2 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-08-30
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

My abrupt reply is only because I am not sure how sincere EG is with regard to his reply! I have had my motives and my identity questioned on this board before, hence my comment. EG doesnt mind anyway. I was also unsure about his crocodile and gorilla reference, and thought that perhaps my visit and time in Kenya was thought to be less than genuine.

Anyway ... seeing as Turnoi has posted some photos in this thread, I thought I would do the same. If this post works, I can assure you these photos are in and around Kimilili, Western Kenya, they arent photoshopped, and yes ... that is me.

(hmmm, seems like the photo thing does work, but will only let me post one photo per post .. I wont bore you with others. This is me with a non-glue sniffing child called Isaac in a small village called Matili)

#3 Parent al - 2010-08-27
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

@ np, not u

#4 Parent englishgibson - 2010-08-27
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

PP, is your post directed at me? Or, is it whatever or whomever? Do you know Nick? Please let us know who you are and what you are saying on the topic. Cheers and beers

#5 Parent englishgibson - 2010-08-26
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

Nick, I am sorry if I hurt you. You sure cannot trust the internet people more than the glue sniffing beggars in Africa, can you? I too have seen a few of those there and one gave me quite a bit of a stare. My local friend that also served me as a guide quickly dealt with the glu fella. All the best to your professional advanture and Cheers and beers

#6 Parent pp - 2010-08-25
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

I'm pretty sure that is sarcasm, whatever.

Quite a rude sentence ending.Whatever.

#7 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-08-24
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

English Gibson - I'm pretty sure that is sarcasm, whatever. Yes, I am still in EFL, I dont intend to do anything else. As you may recall from my previous posts, I left China in June and I am working with a student organisation where I live in Eastbourne. I still stand by my comments about my Chinese employer too. Im still in regular email contact with two teachers there and they are still happy, being paid on time as per contracted terms. I hope China is still treating you well and life in the Middle Kingdom is good.

For the OP - I have just read through this thread and noticed Turnoi's comments about never seeing beggars. My experience was very different to that, (it was in 2006, maybe things have changed) but I encountered begging children pretty much everywhere I went. A number of the young beggars were also glue sniffing on the streets, but they were never aggressive. This never really bothered me, and I always felt safe travelling between small villages and towns without a guide. I found Africa very rewarding, a great experience and I would recommend it heartily.

#8 Parent englishgibson - 2010-08-24
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

Nick, i have been to the same place, but 'cause i couldn't find any gorillas, that i wanted to see, i crossed over to Uganda and visited its beautiful gorilla park. You see, I am not so interested in crocs, but gorillas. Now, most importantly, I am interested in what you are doing. Are you well? Are you in China? Are you still in ESL? Have you been able to counter your fine ambitions? Last time I remember on the board, you were sharing your great experiences with a sound academic program, the New Interchange books and a more than adequate local employer in Guilin. Forgive me if I have got carried away with all the words in. Cheers and beers

#9 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-08-23
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

I have also spent time in the more remote parts of Western Kenya. I spent around 5 months in a small town called Kimilili (which is kinda between Bungoma and Kitale, Turnoi may know it). At the time, I felt incredibly safe there, even when walking home down unlit paths at night. However ... if crime does occur there, I think it would be fatal!

Speaking of sleeping in mud huts ... I did actually want to sleep in the community I worked in ... this was a village called Matili, but my organisation wouldnt allow it! I loved Africa and Kenya though, would really recommend going if you have the chance!

#10 Parent Migrant Worker - 2010-08-23
Re: The croc is back in good old shape

I have been interested in traveling there myself. How is the security and safety for foreigners? Do you get swamped with a bunch of children begging for money?
How much did you pay in all (American Dollars)? And how was the travel and accommodations? Granted it was "real" Africa, I would like to know I am not sleeping on a mosquito and roach infested shack with a bunch of people just waiting to rip off the foreigner lol. Any thoughts?


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