Return to Index › China: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni
#1 Parent IM - 2010-09-16
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

Justin, firstly thanks for the vote of confidence.

Glad to hear I am not the only one who thinks something is amiss here?!

#2 Parent Justin - 2010-09-16
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

I had the same exact experience with him a few months ago. I didn't understand. I'm a American ESL teacher with University experience. He asked for my documents and I sent them. He then talked to me over the phone for a little while and said he wanted to hire me. I asked to speak with some of the previous teachers hes had and he gave me two references, neither of them were valid emails. I never heard from him since. I even SKYPEd him asking why I wasn't chosen and that I understood its a competitive market (LOL). He never responded. Hes a strange fellow indeed.

#3 Parent Ivanhoe - 2010-09-03
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

I am not hungarian

Most of us do not care at all of who you really are. Seems you have come here to create some trouble here on ESL TB - given the many nonsense-posts you have made here, Mr. Durak!

Why don't you stop arguing here and go back home to mummy to tell her that nobody likes you here, boy?!

#4 Parent Ivan Milaat - 2010-09-03
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

Contributor, why don't you keep my warty nose out of what my name is? I have my right to post under a pseudonym as do you. It's this thing called "freedom of speech", but then they don't teach that in your CPC youth league meetings do they?

If you are indeed C Zhang, then why do you post your name, and seeking teachers so freely online? If you are not he/she, then I apologize profusely.

PS, I am not hungarian, but my place of birth and abode is the UK. And you still never replied to my email along with the documents requested, nor a polite text message asking if I could call/come for an interview. So please don't lie and insult my intelligence, if you are indeed this person.


#5 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-03
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

Contributor, even though I offered to come in person as I was in Maoming, he asked for all the documentation (passport inclusive) sent via email. We spoke on the phone. We exchanged messages. He knew I could come. He knew I had home in Maoming. And, he knew I was experienced. Again, I agree he has his rights to choose whomever he wants. But isn't his practice worrying for foreign teachers?
Cheers and beers to all contributors on :)

#6 Parent Ivan Milatsky - 2010-09-02
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

That is entirely my point. If he is just not interested, a simple no thanks would do, I don't expect the magna carta in my email inbox:)

But to get no reply at ALL, esp after personally sending him a text politely asking if I could call him after he didn't/wouldn't acknowledge my email is the height of bad manners in my book. So yes, I think he is up to no good, and I'm sick and tired of uppity Cantonese snake oil salesmen threatening me with "torts of reputation" and accusing me of writing false statements.

I am pretty sure as you say EG, that he has left one or two others on these boards baffled as to his agenda/working methods. For me I definitely think he is in on something to make money, or at the very least f*** ft's over. I'm hoping it is neither, but I won't hold my breath in this instance.

Cheers and cold Ningbo beers,

#7 Parent Contributor - 2010-09-02
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

Fair's fair, Ivan M (or Alain M or whatever your name is)!

The university's employment ad invited teachers from the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (your email address is Hungary?) to enquire with the university about available teaching positions. The ad does not request anyone to send in any documentation.

I don't think it is unreasonable for any employer in any country to ignore (fail to respond to) any job applicant who does not meet the specified prerequisites.

Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology will need 1-2 friendly, experienced and responsible foreign teachers (from UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Newzealand) in the coming academic year (30th Aug. 2010-10th July 2011).

If you are qualified and interested, please contact:
Mr. Charming Zhang
International Office
Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
No. 139 Guandu Erlu
Maoming, 525000
Guangdong Province, China
Tel: 86-668-2923719
Fax: 86-668-2873904

#8 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-02
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

I know one more that has had dealings with him, and then I am yet another one as well. Any FAO surely has his/her rights to choose from applicants, but why would s/he ask for so much documentation up front and before s/he selects the, to him/,suitable ones? Isn't that a valid question? Don't such practices, as the ones of Mr Charming Zhang, raise suspicions? On the validity of that job position, however, I do have a little bit of faith in the FAO and that because I have heard from some others there are/were a couple of oldies working there. And, I believe I have read once a post of one female that has worked there prior to moving to Haikou, Hainan out of where she wrote a pretty negative post, not about Maoming but Haikou and its school she worked for there.

One more thing that has raised my concerns is that Mr. Charming Zhang has chosen to share our email correspondance with him. I really hope that he isn't sharing more than just our email correspondance, or attachments to them.

Cheers and beers to the internet that not only opens up the channels for abuse but also for sharing our experiences

Ivan Milatsky - 2010-09-01
China: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni

Mr. Charming Zhang if this is the name of the recruiter, I sent you my email applying for a job with all my details and documents as requested and sent a polite text message, but you did not have the common courtesy or decency to acknowledge or reply to either of them

So, my fellow Ft's what is his game? As we are outing other dubious, shady characters and fly by night centres, why should university FAO's get a free pass?! Personally I think he is on some kind of data mining/reselling scam, and that there is no job on offer, or he is trying to meet beautiful female FT's he can have "relations" with. I know of one other poster here who has had dealings with him, anyone else? What is this conniving individual upto!!

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:17 AM]

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