Return to Index › visa policy
#1 Parent jay - 2010-11-14
Re visa policy update

Update...finally started classes two weeks ago!! Yeah I know..end of October! Anyways, Received my visa and FEC which is now in the school I'm working at, not whom I'm "working" for. The lies continue on, but the nice thing is that I'll have a bit of cash to pay some bills! Now We're fighting for our FEC, copy of our SAFEA contract and living expenses for the last 2 months.......Wish me luck...

Hope all is well with all of you...seen some of you have been busy as usual posting away...very entertaining but educational at the same time!

Cheers and a beer to Gib!


#2 Parent IM - 2010-09-12
Re: visa policy

china Travel service or the PRC Commision, information here:

852-34132424 (Live Answering Telephone available in office hours )

Email: fmcovisa_hk@mfa.gov.cn

Taken from:


The only difference if you give your paperwork to CTS/a agent is you don't have to go and do all the legwork/waiting around in person, but they charge you a little more IIRC.

Cheers and cafe lattes,

#3 Parent IM - 2010-09-11
Re: visa policy

So as a joke, I said to them, "你为什么要欺负美国人?

I wouldn't joke around in that place. They want you to lose it so they can throw your ass out onto the street. I saw one british guy get turfed out in that place because he went into a rage, and I had to bite my lip in there on one occasion.

If it is the same place that I think you are on about.

cheers and cafe latte supremos,

#4 Parent Nathan - 2010-09-11
Re: visa policy

Hey Jay,

Sorry, actually I don't know about that. I can say that my passport has nothing but old Z-Visas and RP's. I've never had an F or L visa. Just the basic things like my med exam results, and the usual letters, 1 2" photo, and they charge people from different countries different amounts of money. As an American I think I had to pay the highest 'processing fee' of any of the other countries: 1100元。 So as a joke, I said to them, "你为什么要欺负美国人?

To get rush (2-3 day) service add 150 元。 To get express (1 day) service add 250 元。

One word of advice, if I remember correctly the hours of operation are 9-12, and then 2-5PM or so. Try to get in a little early--sometimes there is a LONG line!


#5 Parent IM - 2010-09-11
Re: visa policy

Cheers nathan for the heads up.

Much as suspected all along.

#6 Parent IM - 2010-09-11
Re: visa policy

852-34132424 (Live Answering Telephone available in office hours )

Email: fmcovisa_hk@mfa.gov.cn

Taken from:


Give the PRC commission in HK an email. Can't see it being any trouble.

#7 Parent jay - 2010-09-11
Re: visa policy

Hey Nathan..nice to know..did anyone mention that you needed an actual z visa in your old or new passport to have this processed? It's been mentioned that if one only has an L, they "must" return to their home country..nothing has been for sure..some ppl say yes and no..


#8 Parent Nathan - 2010-09-10
Re: visa policy

I thought I'd jump into this convo for a minute, since I was just in Hong Kong last week. I'll tell you my situation/circumstances and the outcome--hope it helps:

I was on a Residence Permit from Jilin but now I'm working in Jiangsu. My RP was about to expire, so I went to Hong Kong with all of my necessary documents and applied for the Z Visa. Granted, my passport did have previous Z Visas and RP's in it already. But I had no problems whatsoever in getting the Z-Visa. Super easy. It's now been changed into a new RP.

Good luck.


#9 Parent angel - 2010-09-10
Re: visa policy

regarding visa,,, where in honkong can we secure a z visa,, and how much would it cost. I am aslo worried my visa expires this month.any info pls?

#10 Parent IM EUSSR - 2010-09-09
Re: visa policy

Im baltics, if your Z is issued in HK, it isn't issued on mainland, is it?

No, it's not mate, your spot on. But I don't foresee any problem at all, as I have always been able to get a Z in HK when possessing the invitation and psb document with the all important red chop, mei wenti. The only time I wasn't able to was the olympics, but that was the same for everyone AFAIK, wasn't it?

With the Z from your homeland or HK as you claim is still ok, you are to get an RP on mainland.

I'm getting the Z from HK, and will get the RP in Zhejiang province. Outside Hangzhou. I'm not sure about Chongqing, nor Guangzhou, especially now the asian games is fast approaching.

#11 Parent IM EUSSR - 2010-09-09
Re: visa policy

So I made a mistake, and you tell me to get my facts right. Even Gibbo could see i made a simple mistake.

As Jay has said,something seems afoot. Maybe Guangdong also has some changes underway. But I did the Z run from HK last year and received a residence permit in Hunan, no problem. So I don't see that Zhejiang will be a problem, at all, as they have had foreign teachers here for donkeys.

Not against you both, just stating my experience.

Phew. Definitely Cheers and Beers tonight:_)

#12 Parent jay - 2010-09-09
Re: visa policy

Yeah, the interview was interesting...the guy was great! We sat and had a basic conversation about my past here in China, schools i worked for, situation now and some other sneaky q's about whether or not I would pay sb off to set up my visa or experts cert..kinda funny..I laughed when he asked "are you serious"? Understanding his position, they probably would like to know what schools are legit etc...felt like I was 15 again and explaining that it wasn't me who threw the eggs at the cop car!! Of course I would never tell, even if I knew ;)

With the hk z visa..not too sure who posted about it..anyways, yeah, you still need to come back to mainland and get your one year residents permit set up! Some say you can, some say you can't! I'm gonna ask my friend if his school has processed it yet or not..

What they did when he went to HK is this..z-visa.com....there are three applications that need to be done.. *

Original Passport


2 Color 2x2" Passport Size Photo Format


Completed China Visa Application Form


PSB Government Invitation Letter


SAFEA Invitation Letter (TEACHERS ONLY)


Alien Employment License (Business Only)


I believe you can choose either the safea or the Alien, pending on your school..some training schools usually set up the visa under the "alien" which is easier..basically the "teachers" are a "consultant" for the school that sometimes teach classes (lol)! Two of my friends are set up like this! The safea would be for maybe public schools(not too sure) who hire an actual foreign teacher (they can't get by with the "consultant" title when they're teaching 30 classes a week!) Also, with the safea, you should be signing an actual contract with your school which the give to the experts bureau..I think they(your school) can or will fill in 4800 rmb or under (tax reasons) and less number of working hours that you will actually be doing!!! Again, some provinces could be different..but this is what my friend, and many others, have done when going to hk and back to cq...again depends on your outfit..public,private,certified!!

Cheers all..will be back when all this sh@t gets sorted!


#13 Parent jay - 2010-09-09
Re: visa policy

sorry gib, missed to comment on what I said is unbelievable..I went for the interview with another foreigner, a representative from both my company and from the school i will be working at..as for the foreign expert bureau acting as a supervisor for all schools in the area..can't be 100% sure on this..they can only supervise those who have the foreign experts certificate (under safea), not those that I have mentioned who certified under an alien worker and not through the foreign experts bureau..i have been teaching here for almost 6 years..this was my first interview. I have had the experts cert as well in the past years, but my school was the one who would take care of the process, no interview! Other that work for my school have had the interview, once or twice, because they said that they were not from a native English speaking country..! Anyways..that's what I got..still don't believe it..come to CQ and I'll introduce you..

Cheers all

#14 Parent IM - 2010-09-09
Re: visa policy

I never said it was.

But Z visas are being issued there in HK. I fail to see what is so hard about it, provided you have the proper documentation from your employer and the psb saying to apply in HK. I know because I have just received a new passport, and will have the documents in 1 week.

Nothing to sweat about, just get your Z visa in HK once you got your invitation documents, and then get your RP on the mainland.

Cheers and dreams

#15 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-09
Re: visa policy

Im baltics, if your Z is issued in HK, it isn't issued on mainland, is it? With the Z from your homeland or HK as you claim is still ok, you are to get an RP on mainland. The fact that you've got all the documentation does not mean you have the Z yet, does it? I really hope your honest return on this forum after you get it all done there, IN HONG KONG.
Cheers and beers to all of our experiences on

#16 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-09
Re: visa policy

Jay, I am glad you've come back with the interesting feedback and I am quite sure many readers on will appreciate your post as well. The Foreign Affairs Office interview, you are talking about, is unbelievable. Until this moment, I did not think any foreign teacher had ever stepped in the great office before. What's also mesmerizing, to me, is that the Foreign Affairs want all the schools in the area to be under their "supervision". Knowing the Chongqing officers, I strongly believe they are looking for a little bit extra under the table. :)

On renting of teachers, as I have said, it isn't/wasn't so legal. My former employer in Chongqing was quilty of it and many others are/were/will be...as long as there're tables in these fine offices. I was well hated as I refused to the renting agreement there.

On the Z visas, I hope you will come back yet again. Foreign teachers need to know what is going on.

All the best to Jay

Cheers and beers

#17 Parent Z Visa holder - 2010-09-09
Re: visa policy

Hongkong is NOT the mainland.

Get your facts right, man!

#18 Parent IM baltics must join russian federation - 2010-09-08
Re: visa policy


Well all I know is i've got all my documentation and permission to get a Z visa in Hong Kong this month. So it seems they are still being issued on the mainland.

Cheers and cold 2 kuai beers,

#19 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-08
Re: visa policy

IM, we are talking about a Z visa issued in HK, not extended in Guangdong, aren't we? As strange as it is that we have misunderstood each other. Cheers and beers :)

#20 Parent jay - 2010-09-08
Re: visa policy

ok..more info for ya...basically what's happening is that here in CQ, "most" of the schools (not too sure about training schools)are to be, or will be safea certified. this was from the experts bureau..ok..so now that they are certified, most of them will also get certified to hire their own teachers..ok..but most of these schools have no clue on what to do...ok..so they hire a company or school to do it for them, which will in turn, also provide a foreign teacher for their school! This is my situation! In the past my school, which is also set up as a training school, would sign contracts with public schools and provide them with a foreign teacher. But, I think they were not certified to do this..so...the schools are now able to hire foreign teachers, my schools helps them with the documentation and provides the foreign teacher (same price as before I'm sure)

the visa situation is this..we had an interview at the foreign experts bureau so our new certificate would now be under the school we are teaching at, not under our company, which was the case in the past! ..no problem until we went to the psb to change the z visa under the name of the school we are teaching at, not under the current company.......but, because our visa is not expired until next year, the psb said we must cancel the z, apply for an L, then reapply for a new z under the school we are teaching at!!! they did not say anything about having to leave the country to do this!! So I'm going to sit and wait, with my thumb up my ass of course, for a phone call in the next couple of days to find out what we must do! Will let you all know what happens!!



#21 Parent Ivan Milat - 2010-09-08
Re: visa policy

IM, with regards to the Z visa in HK, it's hard to believe how you put it "perfectly simple". It seems the FTs in Guangdong, that I have refered to, don't count to you.

Well, that's strange because I was in Guangdong before summer, and I had my old Z visa from Hunan, extended there without having to go to HK, no problem. I also know another teacher who was in guangdong, and he was sent the papers in his home country and issued the visa in Guangdong too. We were also told HK was acceptable if getting a work visa for the first time.

As I, and Jay, have politely explained, it is straightforward. Are the FT's you're talking to degree holders, or are you talking about the criminal record check which I believe has now been introduced in Shenzhen, I'll try and respond later, as I just got up.

Cheers for your post, it's always good to hear whats going on man.

#22 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-07
Re: visa policy

IM, with regards to the Z visa in HK, it's hard to believe how you put it "perfectly simple". It seems the FTs in Guangdong, that I have refered to, don't count to you. Respectfully, I am astonished how clear things can be on mainland China. Cheers and beers

#23 Parent IM - 2010-09-06
Re: visa policy

well 2009 was last year and I got a Z there and got it converted into a Residence permit, no worries. So did the aussie.

And as jay has said he knew someone who just got his Z visa in HK. It's perfectly simple. You pay your money, you make your choice. You can either go home, or you can get the documents in China and get the permission, and then do it in HK, for same day incl rush fee, 700 hk dollars for UK citizens.

Entirely up to you man.

#24 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-06
Re: visa policy

Jay, would you be kind and clear enough to follow up on my post here? So, you aren't on F visa, are you? You're looking to extend your RP, aren't you? You've noted in your OP you've had, or the school/company, a FEC book, if I am not mistaken. Reading your OP, it seems someone has rented you out. This has been a common practice around, although it isn't completely legal. To my knowledge, there are recruiting companies that arrange work permits for FTs, and then they send them to schools. Yet again, I have to say here that it isn't so legal to do that all.
Cheers and beers

#25 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-06
Re: visa policy

Ivan, honestly, are you saying that an Aussie has just got a Z visa in HK? The site is outdated, and, now, foreign teachers are being refused Zs in HK as far as I know. If it matters what province on mainland China they come to apply from the Z there, then I am sorry. From Guangdong, to my knowledge, it is NO. Foreign teachers are being routinely directed to their homelands, but again forgive my source of so few people.

If Ivan is correct, then this country is yet again proving to have two or two billion systems. I wouldn't be surprised, and I also wouldn't be surprised if some posters on are recruiters rather than teachers with all due respect to all. By the way, I have seen recruiters teaching too. :)

Cheers and beers to all of us

#26 Parent jay - 2010-09-06
Re: visa policy

Gib........sept 4th post answered your q...seems simple posts and questions turn out to be a real pain in the ass here...thanks guys for all your info...cheers!

#27 Parent Ivan M - 2010-09-05
Re: visa policy

Z visas aren't easy to get in HK as the mainland authorites require foreigners to obtain them in their homelands.

I don't know about Chongqing, but aside from the Olympics period, there has never been any problem getting a Z visa in Hong Kong.


The same message is still on, but note that is from 2008. When I did the visa run from Changsha in 2009 I went to above mentioned PRC office and got it same day for 700, and an Aussie teacher who went with me just gave his paperwork to China Travel Service and also received his Z visa. I'm just curious as to what is going on in CQ?

Cheers and caffe lattes all around,\

#28 Parent Ivan M - 2010-09-05
Re: visa policy

thanks man, no worries:)

#29 Parent Ivan M - 2010-09-05
Re: visa policy

I would not pay anyone 5, 10 or 15 thousand Yuan for my visa.

Me neither dude. And my only cost will be the Z visa in passport, before getting the RP back on the mainland. I'm outside Hangzhou if it's of any use, so maybe the policy there is different. As you say, it varies from place to place.

#30 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-05
Re: visa policy

Hey dude, I didn't think I was against you. All I said was that Z visas may not be easy to get in HK. That was what you said you wanted to get there, wasn't it? Cheers and beers :)

#31 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-05
Re: visa policy

Jay, read this! Z visas aren't easy to get in HK as the mainland authorites require foreigners to obtain them in their homelands. Now, back to your little situation, shall we? Are you on F or applying for one F visa? Are you on Z or applying for a Z? Forgive me, but you haven't answered this and I have asked in my very first post following your original post. It was an interesting topic, but your rather strange follow-up has changed it into some sort of trolling or fishing for something. So, whazup with your questioning about where I am etc?
Cheers and beers to Jay :)

#32 Parent jay - 2010-09-05
Re: visa policy

yeah Ivan is right..also, a friend of mine had a visa done in HK 4 days ago...thanks for the beers gib..no reply about chongqing?

#33 Parent jay - 2010-09-05
Re: visa policy

I'm with you Ivan..just replying to gib

#34 Parent Ivan Milat - 2010-09-04
Re: visa policy

I am NOT against you dude. All I an tell you is this...I arrived to my current gig in current city on a L visa. I have to go to HK, get the whatever it is they stick in your passport for 30 days, then get the RP.

I am sorry if you thought I meant RP in china...my mistake, i am tired.

Regards and no offence,

#35 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-04
Re: visa policy

Ivan, some local employers and even officials that I know better claim that HK isn't allowed to offer Z visas anymore. If some foreigners get Zs there, it might be for a bribe or two. We know how it works around, don't we? Z visas are to be obtained in our homelands, and RPs on mainland. Ls are not for RPs on mainland, although I myself have had them changed to RPs many times. A year and a half ago, Chongqing had no pro converting my L, but that doesn't mean it's legal. PSBs do what fits the city and them, don't they? Cities that have many foreigners will not bargain with the local employers or us. I would not pay anyone 5, 10 or 15 thousand Yuan for my visa.
Cheers and beers to Jay, whoever he is, wherever he is from, or whatever he wants to do :)

#36 Parent jay - 2010-09-04
Re: visa policy

on a z visa..now that you know, is it really that perplexing? like Ivan said..you can still go to hk to get the process done..enough said I guess...so you didn't end up staying in CQ? Didn't enjoy it? Not as many opportunities as you thought there were? Enjoy reading some of your posts as well....I guess drinking and writing can give others the wrong impression/thought when it comes to actually having to understand sth so simple..my bad..any other q's i haven't answered? just let me know..

Cheers..enjoy the weekend...!


#37 Parent Ivan Milat - 2010-09-03
Re: visa policy

Sorry, I was referring to the issuing of said temporary document in Hk. I have however arrived at this job on a L visa, and will go to HK enxt month.

#38 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-03
Re: visa policy

Jay, you said you were "a bit drunk" and so I accept your appology or explanation to why you didn't make a good sense. Forgive me but I still have some troubles making sense of your posts. I myself drink and write sometimes, but I wouldn't drive under the same influence as when I write. Your posts are interesting in a few ways, and then your visa situation is quite perplexing. By the way, no, I am not in Chongqing and do not frequent the expat site.
Cheers and beers to Jay's employer as well as L, Z, F or whatever that Jay is on :)

#39 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-02
Re: visa policy

Ivan, can those Z visas be issued for the whole year or are they only for a month to give time to convert to RPs? This is really interesting and I am so hopeful you'll shed a light on this one. My understanding is that FTs are to apply for their RPs with their local employers and those Zs are only temporary and to enter mainland China. I suspect there's a huge underground market on mainland and they are taking advantage of the situation here. One of my friends, a dutch fella, that was unable to obtain a FEC for teaching, has just paid 13,000 RMB for his F visa.
Cheers and beers

#40 Parent Ivan Milat El Terrible - 2010-09-02
Re: visa policy

Although, if sb has a Z visa from the past in their new or old passport, they will not have to return home...this info is from a contact in the psb (chongqing)...

TBTH dude, I think it varies from city to city in any given province. I came to my present employer on a L visa after my previous Z expired, and I've been told I can just get it done in HK. So who knows eh?

#41 Parent Ivan Milat - 2010-09-01
Re: visa policy

You now have to go to Hong Kong or get the Z in your own country. New Z visas CANNOT be issued on the mainland!

#42 Parent jay - 2010-09-02
Re: visa policy

sorry bit drunk yesterday and got off topic ..here's your reply...I'm on a Z visa..and yes some schools are sending their teachers back to their home country to reapply for a visa..why? This depends on if it's a new job they are applying for or even just changing schools..the psb now requires that if sb came here in the past(chongqing) on an L visa and then applied for a z/res permit..then ok no problem, they can continue to renew each! But, like I mentioned, if they are changing schools or applying for a job on an L visa,or going to teach for an SAFEA certified school, some schools or companies cannot pulls strings/payoffs at the psb anymore! They must apply for the Z back home then come back to China! Although, if sb has a Z visa from the past in their new or old passport, they will not have to return home...this info is from a contact in the psb (chongqing)...

And yes I know what I'm talking about...the past post is info from actual pamphlets in the psb that anyone can pickup, read and understand more instead of relying on what others "think" they know...not too sure where you're at, might be a different situation with the provincial gov't..



#43 Parent jay - 2010-09-02
Re: visa policy

hey gibson..just read one of your other posts about your "web" experience in CQ..so I guess you live here..do you post or read posts on cqexpat? If you like, email me anytime..


#44 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-01
Re: visa policy

Jay, what are you on about? First, you don't follow up on my reply, and then you go on about some visa regulations that you do not seem to understand at all. Residency Permits are issued for varieties of reasons; one is work and one spousal, for example. It has been like that for a few years around. Before 2004 or so, there were some provinces that issued/stapled easy local Z visas to our passport pages but I think that times are over.
Cheers and beers

#45 Parent jay - 2010-09-01
Re: visa policy

Yeah ...here's some info...there's a good thread on cqexpat.com about visas...

needless to say there are MANY Expats in CQ who have no idea what is going on with VISA's, I was one of them until last month.

1. Before 2009 residence permits were ALWAYS issued seperate from VISA's. After 2010, there are some VISA's that do not require RP's. such as the marriage VISA.

2. A residence Permit is not valid for working. Never was and never will be. It is a myth amongst Expats that a RP is enough to work and, what makes it worse is alot of schools assure the teacher it is enough when actually it is NOT. There are numerous reasons why schools tell this myth to Expat's. You have been here 5 years, I am sure you can ascertain what they are.

3. From 2010 There are rules regarding Z VISA's that many Expats do not know unless they go to the PSB where VISA's are done. The officer's can give you pamphlets detailing all the new rules. Many Expat's comment and state thing's based on their previous experience but it has no bearing on the current laws.

4. Starting 2010 different countires have different regulation on applying for Z VISA's. USA is one of the strictest. That is because of reg's that USA has starting putting on the Chinese.

#46 Parent englishgibson - 2010-08-31
Re: visa policy

A really interesting topic. Looks like you're under an agency that you call a "company". Are you on F visa? By the way, I heard some schools sent their teachers home to get a Z which they couldn't get on mainland. Go figure what goes on in this country.
Cheers and beers

jay - 2010-08-30
visa policy

Hey all,

Just got a call from my school stating that I need to change my visa because of a new policy..(I renewed my visa in May)...I asked"why"? they said "the main reason is that schools(public,private) cannot charge students for a foreign teacher (which has been for some time, but the schools get around it) so the process is that the school(middle) that I will be teaching will come to the psb with me showing that they can have (not employ) a foreign teacher at their school. So the visa is redone, somewhere stating that I am employed there, not for the school I have signed a contract with. I just got a call now saying that our foreign experts certificate will be under the school we teach at, not for the company we work for.???

Does anyone know anything about this? Specifically for those who do not work directly for a school.

My thought..no big deal..but, what if I have a problem in the future..the psb says I work for this school, but have a contract with this company...the school I work at doesn't have a license to "hire" a foreign teacher, but can "have" one by going through a company...when I quit my job, what problems am I going to face?Is this legit or only for my school???..seriously, the psb needs a forum where we can get q's answered without having to worry about bs..Jabaru..you're the queen of info when it comes to these q's..whatcha think???

Thanks all for the timely responses..may need to go to cq in the next few days....

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