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#1 Parent Amazed - 2010-09-12
Re: Why?

So China has changed has it, try sending money via Western union, money gram. try sending things through the post. try doing business with many Chinese business men.

what takes 10 minutes in the West, will often take an whole day if not more in China.
really sad when the person in a bank cannot even process a simple Western union money transfer.

Been there, done that! You must be lost!
#2 Parent smiler - 2010-09-11
Re: Why?

Pardon the French in my last posting here, seems this guy is just another idiot trying to impress those who are already aware of what is still happening in China.
yes, China has changed, the population has risen, there are more schools, more unscrupulous business minded people out to make fast money and rip off westerners anyway they can, also no shortage of weasels, who will be happy to help out on the English language side ,writing posts on behalf of bad Schools probably in the hope their actions will win them gains of some sort, God only knows.
So China has changed has it, try sending money via Western union, money gram. try sending things through the post. try doing business with many Chinese business men.
what takes 10 minutes in the West, will often take an whole day if not more in China.
really sad when the person in a bank cannot even process a simple Western union money transfer.
Sorry to say it, but it's going to be many years before China really changes for the better.
imagine taking Intelligent people and making them work in the fields. brain washing.not allowing people to think for themselves, taught to obey the little RED book !
need I go on. so sad to see a nation held back by greed, corruption,persecution,and Oppression
little wonder why the Chinese are like they are. but one cannot paint the whole nation the same.
most of the Chinese who have done well in recent years were or are still party members, or those who knew the right people. in China, it's not what you know, but who you know !
take a walk down any of the main streets of most Chinese cities, then venture into the back streets.
many a time, I felt I had gone back in time 200 years.
Communist rule has done very little to Change China for the better, one can only imagine what China could have been like, if it had not been oppressed by mindless uneducated morons full of meaningless crap like Amazed.

China has changed! the only thing you have done is gotten older and soured in your advancing years

Amazed,has lost touch with the real world and it seems he is the one full of meaningless crap.
in fact He,jinta,and tianjinrobbie sound much the same.
perhaps he has become soured in his advancing years.LOL.

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