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#1 Parent IM kings cross - 2010-09-20
Re: Delayed Documents

Then if still no satisfaction, to consult with the British Embassy on the grounds that I am being forced into an illegal situation because my employer is deliberately witholding my passport and residence visa.

I found the British Consulate, at least in Shanghai, to be completely unable to help, except for notifying your next of kin of accident/death. I really doubt they hold that much water in China, and can do little to mediate/resolve ESL employment disputes. My impression of them is they are sick to the back teeth of dealing with FT's in China, for possibly varying reasons.

Dave - 2010-09-14
Delayed Documents

I am British with over 6 years experience in China. So far I have escaped the horror stories by taking precautions during the recruitment negotiations with those schools I have worked for. I presently work as an Oral English Teacher at a university not far south of Wuhan. I am about to commence my second year here but although I signed a new contract in June, I have yet to receive a sealed copy of it and I am still waiting for my passport and new residence visa. This applies also to at least 2 other foreign teachers, one from Canada and another from France, both of whom have worked here for several years.

The delay in having my passport returned and a new visa being put in it is apparently caused by some internal delay or dispute within the upper echelons of the university management. Speaking personally, I have been put to great expense due to my being unable to produce ID for airplane journeys (had to use trains to travel long distances) Had to pay through the nose for hotel rooms. Not able to legally change foreign currency into RMB even at my own bank! Had to stage a fake emergency at a hospital in Shandong Province to get medical treatment because I had no valid ID. I am unable to transfer money to my wife's bank account in India.

I have been patient and I have spoken nicely to certain people in the mid levels of authority. but to no avail.

It is now going on three months and still no clear sign of the passport, visa and sealed contract appearing any time soon. To be (slightly) fair, throughout last academic year salary was never more than a day or two late and when anything needs doing, it generally gets done quickly. There is no 'pressure' here and in general terms it is not a bad place to work - or was not!

The university is now in clear and deliberate breach of contract with no justifiable reason. What should I do to push a stick up someone's ass? I have it in mind to write a very polite letter to my immediate leader giving them seven says to produce passport, visa, and contract and if that won't work, to write to the dean personally and give him seven more days to sort out his people. Then if still no satisfaction, to consult with the British Embassy on the grounds that I am being forced into an illegal situation because my employer is deliberately witholding my passport and residence visa.

Anyone with sensible advice please comment.


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