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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-09-20
Re: Education a Cut Throat Business for Sure

Not sure it's a matter of hate IM as much as it is a matter of distrust. I myself tend to avoid foreigners whenever I see them on the street, it's just a matter of survival really. Most of the other foreigners I've met in China are not the most, shall we say stable of individuals. Petty, infantile, insecure, and lacking in self confidence or self esteem, is not the kind of person I like, yet often the type of people attracted to coming here. I think part of it's the standards in China one has to meet, which are quite low in regards to teaching when compared to western countries. Teach say in an American school, and you won't run into the kind of petty jealousy, envy or hate you see on boards like this or in the interactions between many foreigners here. Only in China have I consistently run into people like this. I am a people person, no question, but experience has taught me long and hard lessons. I also enjoy the company of most Chinese, and their culture, or I would not have been here for over a decade now. Add that to the huge lack of stability I see in the majority of foreigners here, ( that I've run into anyhow), and I can understand English Gibsons hesitance to respond to total strangers emails, and to avoid them when possible. Nothing to do with hate I don't think, just experience and caution. Just one mans opinion and experience.

#2 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-19
Re: Education a Cut Throat Business for Sure


#3 Parent IM - 2010-09-19
Re: Education a Cut Throat Business for Sure

He has regularly vented his anger and frustrations on other posters. Cutting sarcasm is his favorite way of doing so.

I emailed him once because I found myself in the same position as he was.

I then sent one or two more polite emails, but said poster didn't reply. I think he dislikes/distrusts other foreigners in China. But then I noticed a lot of hatred/jealousy towards me from Canadians in China. Maybe they hate the people who gave them and spawned the language they teach.

#4 Parent The Assessor - 2010-09-18
Re: Education a Cut Throat Business for Sure

I think we should have sympathy for englishgibbo. He's one of those foreigners with an inferiority complex who has been in China for a long time as an FT. He has regularly vented his anger and frustrations on other posters. Cutting sarcasm is his favorite way of doing so. By his own admission, he has been critical of his students and of the Chinese government during class in the past, causing his charges to strike en masse, which resulted in his dismissal. I think he needs to get his mind sorted out by a psychiatrist or by a priest. I do hope he can get professional help in this respect in southern China, where he is located at present.

#5 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-09-18
Re: Education a Cut Throat Business for Sure

Nick, you're so full of it. Your anal ysis stinks all the way from UK.

Finally you admit I am in the UK!

But I bet you are really frustrated that you dont actually know what the 'linguistic marker' I refer to is? Its nothing to do with your incorrect use of articles (such as in the quote above) and its nothing to do with the post that was described as 'chinglish' by someone on Daves (I notice that irked you too!)

I will come back in a week and point out that marker that makes you easy to identify ... but EnglishGibbons, Ill let you have a look first.

Other than that ... Im going to ignore you from this point onward, both here and on any other forums you follow me on. The best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them, and so thats what I will do. I generally trust people enough to believe they can sort the wheat from the chaff and its very clear from reading what I post and what you post that people can make up their own minds about us and our opinions.

#6 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-17
Re: Education a Cuit Throat Business for Sure

Nick, you're so full of it. Your anal ysis stinks all the way from UK. You can bet your arse that very few foreign teachers will fall for your cr*p you post either on this one or daves Chinese job related forums. Many foreign teachers, even the ones currently in UK, have learnt the ropes when seeking positions in the Chinese jungle market. You can count on that. But I can understand your desperation to cut some throats and send them over. We all need to survive, don't we?
Cheers and beers to the clear linguistic and character marker that calls himself Nick Pallet :)

#7 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-09-16
Re: Education a Cuit Throat Business for Sure

And, I no longer participate on daves forums,

Actually EG, you do actively post there under another name. You have a very clear linguistic marker which you may not even be aware of. Its a very non-standard usage that I have only ever seen you use. I wasnt 100% sure it was you, of course there was a similar attitude but the marker was a give-away. Thats OK, I can understand you wanting to use a different name there as you have been banned once.

#8 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-15
Re: Education a Cuit Throat Business for Sure

I suggested you two have similar approach to forums, not that you are the same person. And, I no longer participate on daves forums, although I do pick up some cr*p you post there. So much for our theories :LOL to you
Cheers and beers to all foreign teachers, not recruiters or puppet foreign supervisors on mainland

#9 Parent Nick Pellatt - 2010-09-13
Re: Education a Cuit Throat Business for Sure

LOL, I feel another conspiracy theory coming EG. Cunning Linguist and I are not the same person before you suggest we are.

And Ill reply again here ... I am not magically changing my posts here after you have read them as you have suggested on another thread.

Also, I notice you are following me around Daves now, using a different name. I have seen three at least posts you have made there quoting me or accusing me. I feel like I have a cyber stalker :)

Sleazy? Does that mean nice and reasonable?

I really dont understand your fascination with me, or some of your theories. I am not a recruiter, I am not CL, I am not Bin Laden, and I am not some heinous comic book villain trying to take over the world by bringing ESL to its knees. You keep popping up saying I am lying about something, hiding something, and its now getting to the point where other posters both here and on Daves are saying 'eh?' to you.

I dont have a clue why you should be so concerned, but if its keeping you up at night and worrying you, please address 'my lies' here directly, and I will happily answer you to avoid further confusion.



#10 Parent Oldtimer - 2010-09-12
Re: Education a Cuit Throat Business for Sure

CL, I honestly think that Nick and you have quite a bit in common with all due resepct to both of you. It seems both of you reason in rather similar ways and I don't believe it is because you two may come from the same country. Then, it's hard to overlook how both of you polarize on forums topics. In case you haven't noticed, Nick is far from being honest and his reasoning more often does not make any sense.

It is said that 'birds of a feather flock together'. What about you? Who are you polarizing with? That is readily determinable. And that's why I for one take what you say with a grain of salt.
As for what Cl says, I needn't distrust his words as I know he doesn't tell lies on the forums, though I don't slways agree with the content of his posts.
You come across as an obtuse and sarcastic kinda guy. I don't know what to make of you, but sometimes we think along the same lines on major issues.

#11 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-12
Re: Education a Cuit Throat Business for Sure

CL, I honestly think that Nick and you have quite a bit in common with all due resepct to both of you. It seems both of you reason in rather similar ways and I don't believe it is because you two may come from the same country. Then, it's hard to overlook how both of you polarize on forums topics. In case you haven't noticed, Nick is far from being honest and his reasoning more often does not make any sense. Jast take a look at how much experience he says he's got on mainland, and then how much he wants the readers to believe him. See how he posts that he is leaving China for UK and how he wants to teach and develop in other countries than China, but then a few months later he is still in China..well on many forums at least and with a fairly sleazy approach which you so much admire.

So, why should the education be such a cut throat business on mainland China? It's quite simple. If there aren't any students interested, then there will not be any schools. If there aren't any teachers interested, then there will not be anyone to teach and so no schools too. Just imagine how difficult may a job of one recruiter be, if there aren't any schools or interested teachers!

Cheers and beers :)

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