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#1 Parent englishgibsom - 2010-09-22
Re: Crooks on boards?

So, why is Sanguine a crook? First, s/he misleads with wrong generalazations of my original post where he also calls me a cynic, and then, calling me a paranoid poster, s/he doesn't bother to follow up on my reply to him/her. I agree that reading on we learn about posters, although I've got to disagree that readers (only) should come on to attack posters that have contributed so much real life experiences to the board. Sanguine has unarguably contributed zip to the board, except the cr*p on this topic. It's pretty obvious this poster dislikes the topic, me, or anyone that posts negative experiences in the field. Also, it's quite clear we don't know this poster that comes only reading, or shall i say fishing, on the board. Well, this time s/he has got caught in the net. :LOL
Cheers and beers

#2 Parent Sanguine - 2010-09-21
Re: Crooks on boards?

Seems you are a bit paranoid EnglishGibson, but that's neither here nor there. Things are not always as they seem, and no you don't know me, and we have never spoken before until now. I simply base my observations on what I have read. Simple.

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-21
Re: Crooks on boards?

Sanguine, it seems you're one of those posters, I am refering to here. Your generalizing and putting words in my mouth/post is pretty well off and your charges that I am cynical with the post are just cynical itself. Just have a look at your own words below and see how misleading a crook can be.

Your words:
You say that many teachers come on to attack others....

Your words:
I think there are plenty real teachers on here, to cynically try and suggest that most of the people posting here are just the same handful of people simply using different names is a rather suspicious, paranoid even assertion.
I have neither, said there are many teachers that come to attack others on, nor that most of them are using different names on. Isn't it YOU who's trying to mislead the readers on? Read my post again and see that I have used the word "SOME".

Cheers and beers :)

#4 Parent Sanguine - 2010-09-20
Re: Crooks on boards?

EnglishGibson it sounds like you're inferring that names appearing and disappearing means that the people are posting as other than who they are or usually appear as on a forum such as this. That might be the case sometimes. However it's also just as likely they are who they say they are, and simply don't, and simply choose not to post much, or don't want a long posting history that could make them more easy to identify in the future. Anonymity when speaking out against Chinese schools can not be something to take for granted.You also say that people come on

You say that many teachers come on to attack others, those others being schools I suppose, and are only able to do so with "proven" experiences. What other kind of experiences are there exactly, unproven? Proven experiences are pretty strong evidence, and the only kind that you can really present on a forum like this, or links to others "proven experiences. I have no idea what your point was there, maybe you don't either.

I think there are plenty real teachers on here, to cynically try and suggest that most of the people posting here are just the same handful of people simply using different names is a rather suspicious, paranoid even assertion. It also leads me to believe that you have perhaps done this yourself, as liars always believe others lie, we tend to see our own worst failings in others. Making judgments even on such a large scale can say more about you then it does about others. Think about it English Gibson. Bye.

englishgibson - 2010-09-19
Others: Crooks on boards?

Reading on, I find it hard to believe there are many teachers around. Some users on come to analyze and/or attack others with proven experiences, and sadly enough, that's all they do. Then, it is rather interesting how some unfamiliar user names appear and disappear. Sometimes, it's like seeing a hit and run accident, when reading on. Should we believe some come to participate only when they have time, and that they are the real, busy, teachers with real experiences from around the world? I guess what's "real" is the question, isn't it? The internet is opened up to abuse and it will probably be that way for a long time, but when do we draw the line?
Cheers and beers to all real teachers around the world

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:19 AM]

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