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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-25
Re: Crooks on boards?

"worldly-wise" is a great user name :LOL it's like someone unkonwn knocking at my door step and offering me a prescription drug :LOL cheers and beers to the topic :LOL LOL LOL

#2 Parent worldly-wise - 2010-09-24
Re: Crooks on boards?

What a load of cr*p! And, you get the board's ownership behind you too. :(
Cheers to mooncakes :LOL

I think you will only be able to appreciate Cunning Linguist's pearls of wisdom once you yourself admit that you have attitudinal problems. Until that point in time, should you ever reach it, the rest of us can expect your posts to be negative. Sad, really, but that's reality.

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-24
Re: Crooks on boards?

What a load of cr*p! And, you get the board's ownership behind you too. :(
Cheers to mooncakes :LOL

#4 Parent Coppercat - 2010-09-23
Re: Crooks on boards?


And I'll give you one guess whose posts consistently reek of sarcasm on the board. Never have I read so many sarcastic posts on this board from any other poster. You're in a class of your own in that respect, but I don't think it's anything to be proud of!
By contrast, Cunning Linguist's posts are straightforward enough, and are never meant to hurt others! He only offers constructive advice and useful information!

#5 Parent cunning lnguist - 2010-09-23
Re: Crooks on boards?

I'll offer an explanation and it's quite simple. First it's 'transference' - nobody has questioned his experience as far as I can see, (although most of his employment and projects seem to have been problematic from what he's written), just the sarcastic and often bizarre manner in which he writes. So he now asks why people attack when that's what he's been doing consistently with certain posters, 'redcat' and 'Nick Pellat' for example. Secondly, it's attention-seeking behaviour or a form of baiting to see who bites at a contentious topic, and hopefully to garner support from like-minded individuals.
He's willingly OFFERED a perfectly cunning explanation. Redcat suggests not to run from dishonest and unpro local employers, while offering his email to further discuss the topic. After contacting him and further asking some key questions, he resorts to delusive answers and then rudeness. Nick Pellat suggests that the employer, which sent a filthy offer to me, which poorly interviewed me, and which followed up in some highly questionable manner on the board disclosing my emails with him, is a great employer. Nick claims he has worked for that employer for a few months and that is all he has shown as his experience on mainland. Nick would argue that his, now former, filthy employer's contract has just changed, but Nick interestingly isn't there anymore. Nick claims the employer's courses came with New Interchange books, but that's not what I was told by the employer in case. Why Nick would so vehemently counter posters with negative views of the employer and a poster that's got so much experience on mainland is amazingly not a question to CUNNING LINGUIST. What a GREAT EXAMPLE of a couple posters that CUNNING LINGUIST has "OFFERED".

Well, comments between you and others about the GAC issue and and it seems the big chip on your shoulder is weighing you down, along with the other responsibilties you have willingly taken on. Your mission should be to find a decent job, but I feel your negativity is your biggest handicap. You complain about almost everything and use almost any opportunity to berate anyone who has a positive outlook. Maybe 'redcat' didn't want your emails as he saw it as an intrusion! Just because someone puts their email address here doesn't automaticaaly mean they want correspondence. Perhaps 'redcat' was just filling in the spaces on the form and wanted an email reply when a response had been posted. As for Nick, are you trying to tell us you did not stalk him on Dave's ESL Cafe? Everybody's experience is different, but when Nick stated that in what I thought was a non-threatening way, you disagreed. As for New Interchange books, maybe you didn't ask. Silverboy noticed and you yourself stated in the GAC thread, that you would work for this outfit again! So who's the sleaze now! You seem to have an entitlement mentality that will make you vitually unemployable! Sure nobody deserves to be shafted, have a poor contract, or an unfair evaluation - but methinks you doth protest too much. And as I think your evaluation of me in unfair - shall I follow your example and dwell on it? No, you mentioned ducks in another post and your comments are like water off a duck's back!

This board has improved in terms of its adaptation to the ESL world (profiled recruiters for example), and some of those improvements came by way of the much-maligned Turnoi. The world has changed since you first came to China - as you keep on telling us to the point of boredom, as if we hadn't noticed. Keep telling people not to come to China and who knows there may be more job oportinities for you.
Even a simple information request from one recent poster was just another excuse for a diatribe -something along the lines of " your fine certs" will be of little use. Which incidentally, is not the case.

But China is not the place to have a mid-life crisis- (as it's difficult at the best of times to understand the culture)- if that's the problem with you, but I guess you 'burnt your boats' in Canada.

I'm glad I know where I stand with you now makes life much simpler.

Your experience is your experience. It doesn't make it better or worse than anybody else's. I regret that you have had some bad times and the language school you set up / wanted to set-up ( I can't remember), didn't work out for you.

#6 Parent englishgibson - 2010-09-23
Re: Crooks on boards?


I'll offer an explanation and it's quite simple. First it's 'transference' - nobody has questioned his experience as far as I can see, (although most of his employment and projects seem to have been problematic from what he's written), just the sarcastic and often bizarre manner in which he writes. So he now asks why people attack when that's what he's been doing consistently with certain posters, 'redcat' and 'Nick Pellat' for example. Secondly, it's attention-seeking behaviour or a form of baiting to see who bites at a contentious topic, and hopefully to garner support from like-minded individuals.
He's willingly OFFERED a perfectly cunning explanation. Redcat suggests not to run from dishonest and unpro local employers, while offering his email to further discuss the topic. After contacting him and further asking some key questions, he resorts to delusive answers and then rudeness. Nick Pellat suggests that the employer, which sent a filthy offer to me, which poorly interviewed me, and which followed up in some highly questionable manner on the board disclosing my emails with him, is a great employer. Nick claims he has worked for that employer for a few months and that is all he has shown as his experience on mainland. Nick would argue that his, now former, filthy employer's contract has just changed, but Nick interestingly isn't there anymore. Nick claims the employer's courses came with New Interchange books, but that's not what I was told by the employer in case. Why Nick would so vehemently counter posters with negative views of the employer and a poster that's got so much experience on mainland is amazingly not a question to CUNNING LINGUIST. What a GREAT EXAMPLE of a couple posters that CUNNING LINGUIST has "OFFERED".

Cheers and beers to crooks on boards that are so easy to spot :LOL

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