#1 Parent Monitor - 2010-10-11
Re: EWHA is @ the bottom of the barrel

A Google search re 'baffoon':

Did you mean: buffoon

Search ResultsUrban Dictionary: baffoonbaffoon idiot stupid ogre fool loser wheels caveman bellend oaf dumbass ... buy baffoon mugs, tshirts and magnets. An obnoxious or oafish person. ...
www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=baffoon - Cached - Similar
Urban Dictionary: silly baffoona poop head, or somebody who is full of crap. not meant in the literal sense ...
www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?...silly%20baffoon - Cached

What's more, I'm wondering how you know the Cameroonian job applicant has no passport, etc, yet he's in China. Maybe you are his priest, and you've broken your hipprocratic oath of confidentiality! LOL!!! But one things for sure, if not, he wouldn't go around telling all and sundry of his illegalities in the PRC. So, I couldn't care less about your post - it contains outlandish info, which you are very unlikely to be privy to!

#2 Parent Cameroon Baffoon - 2010-10-11
Re: Ewha is the bottom of the barrel

Today Ewha hired a man from Cameroon with no Z visa and no passport, no degree, and no TESOL. When asked what an infinitive was, his answer was similar to that of Mr. Kim, and his answer was that an infinitive is "a car". Will someone please call the police again? I have just finished calling them to report this illegal alien in China who is also illegally working.

This is 100% proof positive that Ewha will literally hire anyone off of the street. As for the students at Ewha...LOL!!!!

#3 Parent Monitor - 2010-10-10
Re: Ewha is the bottom of the barrel

I personally could care less if some poster uses a false email address on this board for their privacy, safety, or to avoid SPAM.

You can't send me an e-mail coz I didn't (and needn't) supply one in order to post on this board. So, what's the point of that other poster supplying a bogus one? No point whatsoever, except to play a trick.

Aside from that, I agree with you that EWHA is a bottom of the barrel employer in Qingdao and hope it will be closed down for good by the FAO ASAP.

#4 Parent Ex-Ewha - 2010-10-10
Ewha is the bottom of the barrel

I worked for Ewha part-time 7-months ago. I personally could care less if some poster uses a false email address on this board for their privacy, safety, or to avoid SPAM. That does not change the fact that Ewha is a crap school with crap management and a bag of illegal tricks a kilometer long. I keep in touch with some people from Ewha and I know personally what was and still is going on there. Oddly enough it appears that a prior poster here tried to name names, and the moderator for this board edited all of them. Yet along comes another poster bitching that someone used a fake email address to post. Let's end the dispute here and now shall we?

Dial Ewha. The teacher's office is now on the 3rd floor there. The number there is 0532-8776-7184. After you connect, ask to speak with any native speaker ESL teachers and ask them if any of the postings on this board are true. Prior postings mentioned two Americans names. Jesse and Noah. Ask for them. They were not there when I worked there but that is not surprising since they change personnel like the hands on a clock. There was a woman there when I was there that spoke some English named Gina K[edited]. Ask for her and see what she says. Better yet, just call her. I still have her mobile number [edited]. As far as I know she is still there and these days she controls the ESL department. When I worked there the ESL offices was downstairs on the 2nd floor and at that time some fool named Sophie thought that she was in charge of the place and she was a Korean. None of the Koreans had Z visas when I worked there. None of them had teacher licenses or any type of certification and most of them could not find a job in Korea. Most of the foreign teachers worked there part-time since few would be stupid enough to remain working in a place like that and certainly not on a full-time basis. I also worked for the KISQ and it was a breath of fresh air at the time compared to Ewha and I currently work for another school here in Qingdao. Most of what I hear from Korean parents and students is that Ewha is on its way out and it is being sold, or it was sold, or it is going bankrupt. Most recruiters will not hire teachers for them, and most teachers that have been around the block a few times know better than to end up in a place like Ewha in the first place. I know a guy from Canada that they stuffed up and I know an American that they stuffed up about 1-year ago. I also read a post from a man named Dave on the ESL Blacklist who was stuffed up by them so they can't all be lying. Ewha is a crap hole and it is filled with bottom feeders from Korea or foreigners that don't know any better or they don't read teacher boards like this one. I might still have the numbers for a few of their other teachers from last year lying around. It would be good to ring them up and see what gives. The guy that owns the place is a buffoon and when he was not drunk or doing the deed with local hookers he was selling textiles and golf equipment. He kept a secret office in the back of the place for some other business but when I was there, no one seemed to know what that was all about. Ewha is crap, crap, crap. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

#5 Parent Talon - 2010-10-09

I read this post and found it disturbing although quite familiar in China and when dealing with Koreans. I cut and pasted the post to Barry Moore of the US Embassy in Beijing. He is the US State Department federal agent there for the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. I also included a link in the email.

Those two Americans are 100% correct in not working illegally and in this case the Koreans must be arrested immediately and taken to jail.

Koreans have long thought that they own China and that they can abuse personnel working for them.

My Chinese is not so hot but I am going to go see the police about this and I will take a friend with me that is Chinese for translation. Maybe what is needed are many calls to the Chinese Embassy.

A fast review of their in-house Korean personnel would take a few moments and they could make many arrests if this is all true. The Chinese would do well to kick those dog eating felons out of China.

This is not the first post I have seen online about the Qingdao Ewha Korean School and the Qingdao Ewha Korean International School which are the same schools.

Whomever Kim In Kyu is, he sounds like a real piece of shale.

#6 Parent Monitor - 2010-10-09

You have supplied a phoney e-mail address. It's obvious to me you're a tricky person whose accusations do not deserve my attention! No doubt you'll delete your crap in a day or two - the sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned!


Mr. Song the administrator and Mr. Kim In Kyu, the school's president and the school president's wife, all of the Qingdao Ewha Korean School have formally told (2) Americans that a local police officer will tell them that he says it is; "OK to work at Ewha illegally on an L visa..."

Those (2) Americans have refused to work and were told they would be fired in one week which is extortion. EITHER WORK ILLEGALLY and risk going to jail when some other cop comes in to check visas and passports and not the corrupt idiot that they pass red envelopes to, or lose a job that pays 10,000 RMB per month after taxes.

As of right now based on information and belief, there are as many as 8 illegal Koreans working on L and F visas at the Qingdao Ewha Korean School.

BEWARE OF THE QINGDAO EWHA KOREAN SCHOOL. They lie, cheat, steal, and defraud good hard-working teachers. They extort them, harass them, threaten them, and leave them in poor accommodations with no support of any kind whatsoever.

If there is anyone on this board that has a valid working email for the Chinese immigration entry and exit bureau and/or a working telephone number with the name of a specific agent, officer, or investigator for China's immigration, please post that here online.

If you have a Chinese friend, please ask them to all this in using Chinese to make this very clear.

IF you are the police in China, please note that Mr. Kim In Kyu, a Korean national (currently in Korea) who apparently fled to avoid prosecution, is a con-artist and a liar. He is paying a local police officer cash money to look the other way and not enforce local or national immigration laws concerning working on tourist visas.

There is a Chinese male that is also on the payroll at Ewha and his name is Mr. Che and he is the school's deputy director. He is extremely corrupt and he is directly involved with this scam organisation.

These crimes are taking place NOW and they are ACTIVE and ONGOING.

DO NOT TRUST ANYONE FROM EWHA. DO NOT WORK FOR EWHA. IF you know anyone currently at Ewha other than a Korean national, warn them to get out ASAP.

Additional scams at Ewha involve copyright infringement of materials.
Tax evasion.
Unlicensed businesses.
Money laundering.

The owners of the Qingdao Ewha Korean School are also involved in illegal religious activities in China which are not in accordance with their visa status in China and moreover they promote anti-China propaganda and they are also hiding at least 6 North Koreans that work in a nearby print shop owned by South Koreans.

If you are reading this from a nation other than China, please call the Chinese Embassy or the Chinese Consulate nearest to you and report this. Print this and faxt this to their embassy.

If you know a Chinese person, please ask them to translate this and give this to the Chinese immigration officials in ANY CITY of China and ask that this be sent onward to Qingdao's office for entry and exit.

This school is connected to the Korean mafia and they are victimizing people NOW.

Thank you.


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