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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students?

If the students are being spied on at the school then it IS our business, if we care about what is right and wrong!

The above statement made by Silverboy, well I have to disagree, in part because the Silverboy poster has made an issue out of this, and for some reason attacked me as a result of misinterpreting my words on this matter.

Silverboy, the above statement is merely that of someone trying to rationalize the irrational. By your logic everything that happens any and everywhere is any and everyone's business if it conflicts with our own sense of morality. No offense, but it's that kind of logic that has led my country into a silly war that has lasted for years, and killed countless people. Generally this excuse is used when people are seeking to rationalize something, and they really have ulterior motives that are not readily apparent, like oil, etc, etc.

In this case your motives are that you hate Chinese schools and greedy bosses, and have a huge bias in this regard. I don't blame you, have I little regard for such people. That said, I think you let this obvious hate lead you to being zealish at times, and sometimes you attack the wrong people or try to rationalize such attacks simply on "moral" grounds, when in truth moral's and ethics have nothing to do with it, but instead your own hate and bias do.

Bottom line, using such logic everything that happens any and everywhere becomes everyone elses business, and the world becomes one in which everyone else is sticking their nose where it doesn't belong, certain countries try and become the police forces of the world, etc, etc. We have all seen what happens when one country tries to impose it's moral believes on another. Same thing when this happens with people. There are exceptions of course to every rules, but in general minding your own business is best. I would say such an attitude in regards to things like the holocaust was the wrong one to have, but this is no holocaust we are talking about, so let's not try and use extreme situations to rationalize non extreme ones where someone chooses to but in where they should not. no, it's not your business, that's pretty obvious, but you are choosing to make it your business. If you do that, then you accept the consequences. I would say that, if this person is so incensed, then by all means quit in protest. You would response "Why does he have to quit when they are wrong", ah but wrong by who's estimation, yours or theirs? That's the problem with questions of morality, it's almost always a subjective measuring stick, and you have to choose your battles going in. In this case is it worth losing ones job to simply speak out in a country that is not yours about an issue of such little importance? If you feel it is, that's fine. I beg to differ, and say it doesn't sound like it's worth it. To accuse me of being someone who makes excuses for Chinese schools, or who is somehow biased in that direction, shows just how zealish you just might be, and that's never a good thing.

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