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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students?

Some OLDTIMERS on this board are extremely obstinate in their views

Yes, and that's good because they can't be fooled by......

Except by themselves of course

#2 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students?

Some OLDTIMERS on this board are extremely obstinate in their views, and won't ever accept they're out of kilter with the norm. I dunno if they are dim-witted, but I believe there's no way they'll be persuaded to alter their views, even when their flaws are highlighted by posters who only wish to do them a kind favor. In this case I reckon the best way would have been to let sleeping dogs lie. Anyways, it's doesn't really matter!

I would not have agreed with you when I first joined the forum, however I do more so now. As I myself posted I have seen an extreme lack of flexibility, and a lot of petty nonsense meant to discredit myself, as I was prior hailed for all the help I gave, then had the audacity to in some peoples eyes, some very few, or one even, to disagree and in their mind attack them. Not the actual case of course.

I myself may have been mistaken to make some of the general assertions I did, an admission I don't think you'll hear from the "old" timers you speak of. Being wrong is just not in their nature. Making negative accusations and assertions, which are in truth near impossible to disprove, is, which is what is most sad.

I don't think there are as many old timers as you think. I see names appearing to post a single time, then never appearing again. I see people showing up calling themselves the "analyzer" or some other nonsense meant to be a play on words, and to indeed hint they are a multiple poster under a different name, using the "exact" not seemingly sounding the same, but the exact same words as others. This is not coincidence. A number of people, those old timers you spoke of, seem to post under multiple nicks to bolster their own seeming support from others.

This is why to date I don't tend to post on such boards, but with less obligations now I made the seeming mistake of doing so. What I find sad is that certain posters who claim to simply want to help their fellow foreigners in essence don't seem to care one whit about doing any such thing.

I agree, such people won't be persuaded, so best to just leave them alone.

#3 Parent Tonga Ohele'ana - 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students?

Some OLDTIMERS on this board are extremely obstinate in their views

Yes, and that's good because they can't be fooled by......

#4 Parent Handy Mandy - 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students?

Spying with your little eyes is the typical way some Oldtimers are doing their dirty job.

Are you perhaps one of them?

#5 Parent I spy with my little eye! - 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students?

I think experience is very important, but I also think older people tend to be more self-righteous and less open-minded. I'm more accepting of Chinese society and I think they should run their country the way they want to. You are so dim witted you don't see the flaws of yours when they are placed right in front of you.

Some OLDTIMERS on this board are extremely obstinate in their views, and won't ever accept they're out of kilter with the norm. I dunno if they are dim-witted, but I believe there's no way they'll be persuaded to alter their views, even when their flaws are highlighted by posters who only wish to do them a kind favor. In this case I reckon the best way would havr been to let sleeping dogs lie. Anyways, it's doesn't really matter!
#6 Parent Justin - 2010-10-17
Re: Spying on Students?

Actually I'm 23 years old and am living in the United States. In my one year in China I met plenty of weirdos who spent too much time in China, I worked in Korea for a short time and all of the foreigners seemed normal. Its my honest opinion that China attracts either young people who love the idea of a distant China and learning Chinese (me), outcast who leave their problems behind and leave for China, and People who like a simple life. I think a reason for this is because anyone can work in China, its not competitive at all. I like China, but its not for me. I went to China to learn Chinese, which I did, because I think its benefitial to my future. I came back to America because Im enrolling in a Business School, purchasing my first home (investment), and starting a career in Finances. My entire time in China I was with my American girlfriend as we taught in the same school.

Somehow I came off to you as some old geezer who is a racist when I all said is a foreigner should let Chinese people run China the way their society wants too.

I think experience is very important, but I also think older people tend to be more self-righteous and less open-minded. I'm more accepting of Chinese society and I think they should run their country the way they want to. You are so dim witted you don't see the flaws of yours when they are placed right in front of you.

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