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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students?

I support every effort to denounce wrongdoings. I can't believe the amount of BS about bringing this up and why we should even talk about it. If someone dragged your loved one into the woods while you were taking a walk with her will you walk away whistling as if nothing happened?? If someone came up to you and assaulted you will you just smile like a b*tch and bow to them?

I think simply comparing having a loved on dragged if into the woods to a school making buying their cell phones mandatory as the real BS. Lost perspective anyone?

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students?

It does sound like you feel a bit defensive about the way some people may talk on this board. However just because they may say something in an aggressive manner doesn't mean they're trying to force their opinion on you. As for being right what I mean is we're all just trying to do the right thing. You can take it as it is or with a grain of salt, no one is blatantly trying to intimidate you.

You can go on and on about being guests in this country or that. Even if you're not a citizen you're entitled to personal rights. It's these very rights that schools trample on. That's why we have international courts and lawyers who specialize in litigation with international issues. There is a system set up to protect us. If you don't think anything should be done and that's your opinion you have every right to believe in it. I'm just puzzled as to WHY you must respond in such length about what you believe in. If you don't think we should be doing anything why post anything at all? It's just bizarre for someone who thinks no one should be involved to be saying so much.

#3 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students?

That's fine Sanguine, you're entitled to what you believe in. Deep down I think you know we're right about it.

Right about what dragonized? I am still trying to figure out what your cause is that's got you so up in arms. Imaginary spying done by a school forcing students to buy cell phones? While I don't know it is not happening, it would be rather circularly logical to assume that it is because you don't know that it isn't. Is that what you are saying you think I know you are right about?

Honestly, I think some of the people on here get so up in arms just for the sake of getting up in arms that half the time they don't even know what they are up in arms about, LOL. There is a decided lack of focus, and a whole lot of anger by some, ready to be directed at anyone who disagrees.

Just for the record, if you are talking about students being spied on, I am not in favor of such, and do not support it. If I felt as strongly about it as the OP does, I would quit and find another job, or compromise and stay. You don't get to have it both though, and screw the school and get to stay, especially if they have honored their contract.

Privacy does have a different meaning here, meaning it is not as important in practice, though in theory it is. Still I am sure "if" students were being spied upon they would of course object. Personally I think the school is way out of line, but that's from my point of view, not theirs. The students are likely not happy with it, and if so, let them speak up. People seem to forget that these people, i.e. the Chinese, have a voice, and they can choose to use it, or not, as they see fit. My special position as a foreigner, and outsider, while protecting me to a certain point, doesn't make me morally superior, and it certainly doesn't make me the champion of the downtrodden.

Others have said this and now I will, I see too much of a "white man will save the poor Chinese" attitude, on here, as if they need saving. You can't save or even help those who do not ask for your help. Whether they would love to have it is hardly the case, they have to actually do something about it. While it's noble to think you can help, and "maybe" to try, you won't do any real good unless others who are members of this society do something, that's the real bottom line.

I hear a lot of revolutionary talk, the same kind that was likely heard in America before it broke away from England, however we are not revolutionaries, and too many people commenting have a real superiority complex, and embrace hubris big time to think that their actions will change anything in a country where the population will not themselves work for change. That is naive thinking for sure, and attacking the messenger for pointing this obvious point out doesn't change anything.

In the end we are all just guests in a country with so many people we are barely a drop in an ocean. You may be treated like a celebrity at times, gushed over, and made to feel important, but you are not. You are just another foreigner, who in most peoples eyes arrogantly tries to impose your moral beliefs on people who will see this fact far more than they will the message you are trying to send, or have people forgotten how nationalistic the Chinese are?

I think this forum does a lot of good, I just think that some of the long time members here get off track sometimes, adopt a soap box, self righteous mentality far too often, disregarding others casually, and far too often look at things in black a black and white manner, missing all the shades of gray in between. Is it any wonder there is no solidarity with all the bickering going on?

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students?

That's fine Sanguine, you're entitled to what you believe in. Deep down I think you know we're right about it. As for sounding extreme I know I don't represent everybody or even a great majority perhaps, but even that can depend on the issue. If you read Chinese and if you read articles about the treatment of people their in non state controlled media outlets (usually in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, or overseas across the world) you know that there is a lot of wrong.

We don't expect change to come quickly, but we won't stop what we do. That's the main point. There is no rationalization on our part(at least not on mine). Our different experiences make us who we are and you cannot change us just like we aren't liable to be able to change you. Although we hope that you may see the fact that things happen for a reason. Nobody likes being angry for no reason.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students?

By the way, we're not lumping injustice into one category. The same crap is happening over and over again and we're all just speaking from experience. The reason that the same problems of teachers being exploited, cheated, and having their personal rights violated (rights which are protected by law even in China) is because of the corruption of the school. Injustice is not a good thing. Just because there is a lot of it doesn't mean we shouldn't care and just let it be the way it is. No solutions ever came from thinking like how you have thought. If people followed your rationale nothing would be solved. Even with the law system the way it is set up in China people will still fight for their rights. You don't know everything that goes on so you shouldn't rationalize about what you should or shouldn't do since speaking the way you do you obviously don't give any basic moral support to unfortunate souls that have gone through the crap that the ESL world in China has given to them.

#6 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students?

I support every effort to denounce wrongdoings.

As do I dragonized, I merely questions the wisdom of the location in which it was done, and the requisite pay off. Is it worth it, or not. If for you it is, great, but expect consequences.

I can't believe the amount of BS about bringing this up and why we should even talk about it.

I'm afraid that I don't sere anyone defending the school. I do see a lot of zealot time personalities using the excuse of anyone disagreeing to brand people traitors, bad foreigners, in league with the evil doers simply because they do not wholly agree with someones point of view. I see people disagreeing with the fellows actions, not with the message itself. You have clearly mistaken one message for another.

If someone dragged your loved one into the woods while you were taking a walk with her will you walk away whistling as if nothing happened?? If someone came up to you and assaulted you will you just smile like a b*tch and bow to them?

I expected someone to try and use such an extreme comparison, as I mentioned in a previous post to the Silverboy poster about the Holocaust. People often like to use extreme cases involving a moral problem to justify similar action in regards to a less extreme case. "Oh if someone dragged your momma into the woods to shoot her in the head, you'd just sit there and do nothing?" The answer is no of course not, however the two situations are not the same, someone in one scenario is forcing kids to use a cell phone plan at school, while the other involves cold blooded murder of a relative. Hmm, I fail to see the parallels here, except there is a wrong doing occurring, at least by my moral compass.

Let's also be clear here, that's all that is going on, the school is, as the OP said, making students use cell phones, I have seen no proof of anyone actually being spied on. If this were the case, I would say that is indeed wrong, but still not my concern. However that is not even the case. Why this issue is even being argued here is that a lot of people tend to assume the worst, and just run with it. Many others seem to fail to read the original post, where this person tried to justify their defiance of the school by intimating that there "might" be spying going on. I have yet to see proof of this, only a lot of wild conjecture. I also see a lot of the good old "mob" mentality going on here, as well as the good old snowball effect. Many people are just speaking out to speak out and belong, not out of any actual sense of moral injustice.

Bottom line, we know a school is forcing students to buy cell phones, or do we? We know the OP said this is the case. Even if we take him at his word, honestly, that's his only complaint. he spoke out and all of a sudden he is the next Norma Rae, and we should jump to his defense, ad run down anyone who questions his actions? I think not, that would be comparing apples to oranges. This is no labor issue, nor is it something involving workers rights at all. Nothing is even happening to him, and he is a guest in this country, using his professional position as a teacher to espouse moral and political views. Were he doing this with religion, few would defend him. However because so many decry China's moral and ethical standards we allow it? I think not.

The truth is there is a very real bias. I know that, were I a parent living in America, and my child came home and told me his new teacher, a visiting Arab, was telling students America was bad for this reason or that, that I would be very angry, and would think it wrong. No doubt this Arab, and perhaps a billion others just like him, believe he is right. Does that make his actions any more right? I think not.

You have to put your moral and ethical considerations into perspective, and view them for what they are, a personal perception of right and wrong. That many share it does not always make it right, and even if it does, you have to view things with a certain level of discernment. You can't simply lump all injustices together into one category. If everyone did that, every bad things that happened, from a stolen pen, to the atrocities that happened in Somalia, would be lumped into the same category, and treated in kind. If you say that's ridicules, just look at dragonized comparison of this cell phone nonsense to someone being dragged off into the woods. I agree, it is nonsense.

No, we are guests here, and while I say, feel free to say whatever you want, I personally feel it is inappropriate to try and force your own moral or ethical beliefs on others from a position of authority, in the guise of a professional, and using that position to do so. In your own free time, be my guest I say. On forums like this, go for it, otherwise, it's not appropriate, for reasons already stated above.

Just the amount of defending on behalf of the school on this thread goes to show the complete degradation of integrity with some people. I seriously wonder if they have problems coming to terms with their own humanity and if it's been repressed all these years or something.

WAKE UP PEOPLE! You're living in a messed up world and rationalizing everything isn't the answer!

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2010-10-16
Re: Spying on Students?

I support every effort to denounce wrongdoings. I can't believe the amount of BS about bringing this up and why we should even talk about it. If someone dragged your loved one into the woods while you were taking a walk with her will you walk away whistling as if nothing happened?? If someone came up to you and assaulted you will you just smile like a b*tch and bow to them?

Just the amount of defending on behalf of the school on this thread goes to show the complete degradation of integrity with some people. I seriously wonder if they have problems coming to terms with their own humanity and if it's been repressed all these years or something.

WAKE UP PEOPLE! You're living in a messed up world and rationalizing everything isn't the answer!

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