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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students?

If you had a bit of experience in countries ruled by autocrats and dictators, you would perfectly well understand that the majority of the people in that nation are in great fear to speak as many of us can do freely here. But it does not mean that they really approve of such a situation and their autocratic leadership.

With all due respect Turnoi, it seems like you are discussing something else entirely, even were the original subject spying on students, a subject which came from conjecture and is groundless by the way. It sounds to me like you are taking this opportunity to effusively express your own personal experiences and ideas about things you feel strongly about. You are most assuredly off subject with the amount of extremism and drama that you are pumping into your posts. Please tone it and the holier than though attitude down eh, it's impossible to read your posts at this point because the self righteous light shining out of them.

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