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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-20
Re: Spying on Students?

It's my turn to ask you now good sir: Do you have proof that these are the same people?

I'm not that good with computers but I know that there's a way to track the ip address of people who are posting. If you have this kind of software(now I don't know how ethical this really is but I know that hackers and people who work in areas of High Security use it) you would be able to see where the posters are coming from. Making baseless accusations of others having a bipolar or a tripolar complex doesn't make us gain any more faith in your ability to make the right call on things.

What you're doing is setting yourself up so that we will see you as someone who should obviously be treated as an individual since your opinions are different. Also you are inferring that the people who agree with you on this board are obviously different individuals.

You could have been someone who posted on here a long time ago when you didn't see something that you liked. But since it blew up in your face you decided to lick your wounds and come back strong to discredit us in the worst way possible. I don't see you as this but people could.

Why are you not asking your friends for the same proof? As I recall I was just accused of being someone else that Turnoi claims to have spoken with in the past, a severe miscalculation on his part I might add. Where might I ask was your righteous indignation then, asking for proof? Ah yes, Turnoi is a friend, and exempt in your eyes from meeting such burdens that you require from the rest of us. Even the hint of such an accusation from someone who is regarded so highly can do harm, clearly the point, regardless of being right or wrong. That is the difference between someone who is biased, and someone like myself. Indeed I like many of your posts, and I do not selectively choose who I will and will not disagree with based upon personal like. Though I like Turnoi's style, and some other people here, I chose to disagree with them and the extremist nature of their posts, which got me branded a seeming dissident and attacked in turn. If I were biased like yourself, and only cared about fitting in and not drawing negative attention from those in a higher position in the so called pecking order here, I would have said nothing. That is the difference between you and I, you say nothing to those you like, and only to those who you perceive as against you, something you have just proven. No amount of fancy words will change that. If you remonstrate me, be prepared to remonstrate others, or be branded biased and a possible hypocrite. Or maybe you missed the posts where Turnoi made such accusations. As for calling me a mud slinger, that is not appropriate considering what I was responding to.

As for proof, just look at the names, the analyst, psychologist, both synonymous, elebama, all talking as if they were long time posters who have a long history here. They were speaking of posts, and of things that were before their "first" posting, except it is clearly not their first posting given the way they speak and how much they know. Though not proof, this is clearly to anyone speaking from an unbiased point of view more than a little fishy.

Please apply your measuring stick of what is right and proper to all, or to none, but do not be totally selective and biased and then call into question my neutrality. Often people who refuse to choose sides are attacked in such a way. That is not even the case here, I side with generally who is right or wrong on a case by case basis, even if it is someone I like and who is popular.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2010-10-20
Re: Spying on Students?

It's my turn to ask you now good sir: Do you have proof that these are the same people?

I'm not that good with computers but I know that there's a way to track the ip address of people who are posting. If you have this kind of software(now I don't know how ethical this really is but I know that hackers and people who work in areas of High Security use it) you would be able to see where the posters are coming from. Making baseless accusations of others having a bipolar or a tripolar complex doesn't make us gain any more faith in your ability to make the right call on things.

What you're doing is setting yourself up so that we will see you as someone who should obviously be treated as an individual since your opinions are different. Also you are inferring that the people who agree with you on this board are obviously different individuals.

You could have been someone who posted on here a long time ago when you didn't see something that you liked. But since it blew up in your face you decided to lick your wounds and come back strong to discredit us in the worst way possible. I don't see you as this but people could.

#3 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students?

Great,the crocs will eat up all snivelling weasels and trolls posting in this thread!

It's interesting how the people who seem to agree so much with each other have much more than similar posting styles, but they actually post using the same words. Interesting.

#4 Parent Alice - 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students?

Great,the crocs will eat up all snivelling weasels and trolls posting in this thread!

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