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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-20
Re: Spying on Students?

I suppose you can believe whatever you want. I disagree with almost everything you said.

I would love to see exactly what I said that you disagree with, as it would give me a chance to debate your reasons for disagreeing.

You are wrong when you say that we are "guests" in China.

Am I? Well I suppose a lot of it depends on what your definition of a guest really is. To me a guest is someone that is protected when in your care, and treated with the utmost hospitality. Now you and I both know that this is often not the case when it comes to foreigners in China. Either the Chinese have a totally different definition of what a guest is, or they are often times lousy hosts. Still, our being here is much broader in terms of meaning then simply staying in someones home, that's very specific. Being guests in China exposes one to not only ones boss, but the Chinese people as well. In that regard I as well as others have gotten mixed treatment from Chinese in general. I will admit, the Chinese do at times leave a lot to be desired as good hosts, but they are hosts nonetheless, just not good ones in some cases. I would be curious to know what you think we are if not guests?

This is a problem with the mindset of Chinese people, a very racist mindset in my opinion.

Seeing us as what we are is being racist? I don't get that "mindset". As much as you and others may wish to be Chinese, you are not. This is their country, and we can work here until the cows come home, won't make any difference, that's reality. Should things be that way, perhaps not. After all, most other countries allow people to live there with more freedom if you are say, married to one of their citizens. However China has too many people already. If they had the population of say, the Unites States, maybe they would be more free in this regard. Then again maybe not, who knows. What I would like to know is, if we are not guests, then what would you classify us as?

Instead of Chinese people looking upon laowai as "guests", maybe they should extend some real friendship to foreigners, instead of seeing us as just a source of income.

Now this statement seems racked with cynicism and bitterness, told by a man who has perhaps had some hard times in order to create such feelings. Others have had hard times here also, however you can't let those experiences cloud your judgment or your vision and perception of others. We ourselves can make rather large incomes, and no doubt many a Chinese resents us for this fact, seeing us as being able to do so only because of our skin color. Are they wrong, and does this make their resentment right? I say no to the first, yes to the second. While indeed they are right to a certain extent about our looks allowing us to make livings as English teachers, a debatable topic, they are wrong to resent us for it, just as you "may" be wrong in some of your resentments and bitterness. That said, you no doubt have reasons for those feelings, I don't question that.

Chinese bosses are often greedy, and have a poor grasp of education, as well as the how of running a proper business. You'll get no disagreement from me there. As for friendship, that is more a personal thing, and maybe you are speaking of them just being more hospitable and trying to be more helpful and understanding. Again, I'll not disagree with you there. The Chinese, often because of their total lack of exposure to the outside world, and their ignorance of other peoples, often times make lousy hosts. Doesn't change the fact that we are guests.

You really made me laugh when you talked about us "accepting Chinese hospitality". Are you serious! The people of Thailand really know about extending REAL hospitality and love to foreigners, the Chinese are WAY BEHIND is this regard.

The people of Thailand have been more open to the world than China, makes for better hosts, believe me.

I also get sick of Chinese people asking me if I like Chinese culture or not. I am basically indifferent to it, I don't care either way. The language is interesting, food tasty, girls pretty, apart from that there is nothing special about China.

I feel the same way, but generally I try to go with the flow and humor those who ask. Think of it from their point of view. Most Chinese have never left China, or met a foreigner. Imagine if you lived in such a closed off place, where everyone looked the same, talked the same, acted the same. It would make for a pretty dull life for you or I, as we have known different. That is life for Chinese 24/7. They are rarely if ever exposed to foreigners. To you or I that is strange indeed, as in our countries there are so many people from so many different places that the word "foreigner" hardly enters our mind. When I see a Chinese person in America, I did not say or think "foreigner". Because of this lack of exposure they are extremely curious. Yes it can be annoying, but there is a reason why you don't ask such questions, and they do.

I don't ask Asian people in Australia stupid questions such as "Do you like Australian culture?" Chinese people should also refrain from such inanity.

They can't, because you are new, different, unusual, something they may have never seen up close before, and their government keeps them so isolated that they know little about the outside world. Were I them, in their situation, I might be equally curious. Hard to say if you've not been in the shoes of such a person from such a society.

If you see something wrong you should speak up Sanguine, you appear to me to be self serving, just want to protect your own arse.

This is often the perception of those who try to be neutral, that they are someone who is trying to be on both sides of the fence, so as not to cause anyone offense. Hence I am trying to protect my own "arse" in your eyes. The truth is nothing could be further form the truth. Were I merely concerned about protecting my own "arse" I would not dare to disagree with posters like yourself, Turnoi, or others, who are so popular here that to do so will lead where it has. Were someone solely concerned about protecting their own arse, they would I reckon not come on a site like this and try to help fellow foreigners. They certainly would not risk getting themselves into trouble with those higher up in the so called pecking order here, and instead would become more like the many yes men you see on sites like this. No, I think that protecting my own arse is the last thing on my list, clearly, though after what I have seen maybe I should have cared more about this.

As for speaking up or not speaking up, you don't always, none of us do. If we got involved in every single thing we "perceived" as wrong, there would be no end to the amount of trouble we would end up getting ourselves embroiled in, and I think we would very quickly end up very "dead" with such a mindset. Trouble happens everywhere, getting involved in every wrong doing, as we see wrong, is not wise or advisable. You nor I are not heroes to the world. Yes we can make differences in our own small ways to our own small parts of the world, however large scale change, like that which you advocate, won't come from without, but only from within. Your intentions are good, but the road to hell was paved with them.

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