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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2010-10-22
Re: Spying on Students?

So you claim I foolishly follow other people's leads while you yourself make attempts to discredit people in the same way. Well need I remind you that you brought this on yourself when you decided to originally make the choice to respond to Dave's post in the way you did? Go back to your own posts and read them over. Now think about the attitude and what people may think from what you said. You just seem like someone who isn't willing to do any introspection and only hides behind a veil of civility to try and always prove that you are right.

Knowledge isn't something you hide behind and retaliate against others. It's supposed to be used for good. You haven't been willing to admit that you may have been wrong and you have failed to acknowledge anyone who has disagreed with you that they may indeed possess good intentions and want to make things better. Don't come here and post claiming you have always been on someone's "side" when your character indicates how weak you really are. It only makes us see you for the fraud that you are.

Normally I wouldn't have dignified you with any responses with they way you talked about my last post. However I think before attacking someone personally you should at least get to know them and speak with them online one to one before making assumptions. As far as I know Turnoi and Silverboy are the only people who have actually posted personal pictures of where they were/are and given details on some of the things they have been through. You on the other hand first came on recently to respond to someone. Whether it was good intentions or not is besides the point. You have posted many responses to what me, turnoi, and others have said. You have failed to respond properly when we show proof of anything we say. You have continued to find things which can be brought out against us in our semantics since they may not always sound objective. I don't care what you post on here from now on whether you are agreeing or disagreeing with me or others. You have proven that you're a person with wavering judgement, that's just my take.

#2 Parent Sanguine - 2010-10-21
Re: Spying on Students?

If only more people would speak up in such a way things could change for the better here, and posters like this Turnoi fellow would not be able to get away with what amounts to outright bullying in my mind.

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