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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-11-02
Re No future in ESL/TEFL

I have a fair idea of who you really are, and you certainly have no right to make stupid comments considering the mess your life is in.

Actually my life is quite good, don't tel me you are now stooping to the old accuse someone of being someone else so you can discredit them trick. That is getting rather old. Whilst I had attributed such nonsense to Turnoi, I did not think anyone else would stoop to such nonsense. I am quite sure we don't know each other, I keep far better company ;)

As for me not wanting to find a wife, you don't read very well do you, I intimated I already had such several times, I've been happily married for several years now. You don't spend 10 years in a place and "not" meet someone unless you are, well, someone like you perhaps. As I said, maybe there is some deeper, more personal reason you are still searching, I am not privy to the inner workings of your personal life so I've no idea. Please stop intimating that we know each other though, yes it's a sad ploy to try and discredit me, same as Turnoi did, however at the same time you are associating me with, well, you, a person that I think is of very low quality simply from what I have read. Certainly not someone I would want to know I think. If you want to get personal, two can certainly play at that game.

I do hope things are looking up for you, though your seeming bent for dishonesty leads me to believe you may just be fooling yourself, as your attempts to try and discredit me are not just for the eyes of others, but for your eyes as well. Much easier not to pay attention to what I say if I am some mystery loser that you have taken it upon yourself to accuse me of being. Truly desperate, and truly sad. I think you must be a very unhappy guy to resort to such nonsense.

I do hope you find happiness, everyone deserves it, not sure what to make of some of your other comments, rantings of a disturbed mind, or more icing on a desperate cake, who knows. I think you should take care of yourself and your own problems before you get married though, you seem to have a few. Good luck.

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