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#1 Parent ILC - 2005-04-09
After all is said and done....... - ESL discussion

> I could not finish reading your post. Think about it? What school is
> going to pay a teacher that can not get students. Schools are
> businesses. The custamers dictate what servise a busines does. The
> anger should be placed with the paying parents. A school with the
> graetest teacher is bankrupt without students. Yes a school is in it
> to make money, it is buyer be ware. It is up to parents to decide
> what teacher they want for their kids and schools to provide a good
> teacher to attract students.

Whatever you say about schools wanting to make money,the bottom line is:-

1.If you start a business that is advertised as an ENGLISH SCHOOL,and is in the business of TEACHING ENGLISH,then you should do your utmost to find the best people to provide that service,namely GOOD ENGLISH TEACHERS,real proffesionals who have a good grasp of the English language ,and who can teach well.
It doesn't matter wether the teachers are red,yellow ,pink,black,blue,brown or white,nor does it matter where the hell they come from.

2.If you provide a genuine service like mentioned above you WILL get customers,and you WILL make money.
I know this because of my experience teaching esl in a private school in Beijing.
The parents often sat in on lessons,and if your ENGLISH or TEACHING weren't up to scratch,students were removed from your classes and you were out on your ear.

#2 Parent lucky - 2005-04-09
think - ESL discussion

I could not finish reading your post. Think about it? What school is going to pay a teacher that can not get students. Schools are businesses. The custamers dictate what servise a busines does. The anger should be placed with the paying parents. A school with the graetest teacher is bankrupt without students. Yes a school is in it to make money, it is buyer be ware. It is up to parents to decide what teacher they want for their kids and schools to provide a good teacher to attract students.

#3 Parent writpetition - 2005-03-17

> To you or anyone else who opposes:

> YOU WILL NEVER, be able to prove me wrong or get your points across
> to me unless one of the following happens:

> 1. International House (IH) and English First (EF) no longer want to
> hire only native speakers to teach English, they must write on their
> website, that they will accept teachers from any country with any
> passport.

What kind of proof is this and what qualifies this as proof? Get real! EF and Ih may have their racist and passportist agendas. Or they might like to fancy 'white' teachers are an advertisment for them to attract students. In which case, obviously, their interest is only in making money, and at any cost, at that. That does not prove that nonnative teachers are not good teachers.

> 2. Berlitz or Pimsluer learning systems publish a statement saying
> that it is a good way to learn to speak another language from
> non-natives.

Berlitz and Pimsluer are not the world's conscience keepers. And why should they publish any statement to the effect suggested by you?

3. CCTV9 and China Daily do a survey of students in middle schools, high schools, colleges, and universities throughout China, and they can prove with a 2/3 majority that learning spoken English from native speakers is useless and ineffective.

Are you out of your mind or what? Why should CCTV9 and China Daily conduct a survey along the lines you want? Are you the president of China or the head honcho at one of these organizations? BTW, how does proving the ineffectiveness or otherwise of native teachers prove that of the nonnative speakers? Native teachers have their role, and nonnative speakers can contribute equally in the education of willing students.

> Until you can make one of the above choices a reality, please do not
> bother me any further.

If you are bothered by sound reasoning, please get some help. If you want only your side of the argument said you must be truly sick.

It's you that's bothering people and not vice versa. And, you're doing so with your utterly thoughtless pronouncements.

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