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#1 Parent Visas Schmisas - 2010-11-10
Re re: jiujiang job warning

@ jokerman, @ silverboy: thanks for the support! Now I've given it some thought being in a bum-f*** area of Jiangxi doesn't appeal, esp. in the hellish winter in an un-insulated apartment.

Better jobs, better cities. I know that this college also hired an Iranian, so not sure what that says about caring of nationality?

#2 Parent Jokerman - 2010-11-10
Re re: jiujiang job warning

Even if you have all the necessary requirements for this position but still didn't receive an answer, its most likely that, you may be a Brit, an Aussie or possibly a black, for which the head of the English department there, does not want at this school.
Stay away, your not missing much.

#3 Parent Sanguine - 2010-11-09
Re re: jiujiang job warning

You will never get 6,500 from this place, this is just there to make you think you could. In truth they will pay you somewhere in the middle, at best, likely 5,000, though perhaps less.

The hours are actually a bit on the high end for a Uni job, as you know it's going to be more like 20 hours, not 16. Also there is the case of how many actual classes. 20 hours could actually turn out to be 25 classes of 45 minutes in length.

The devil seems to be in the details in cases like this. That the woman named willow did not get back to you is no surprise, I doubt it has anything to do with your qualifications, and everything to do with simple incompetence. I have had people not respond to me for 2, 3 months, then apologize for their late reply. The reasons for this are varied. Often they wait until the last minute, miss your email completely, or dismiss it, thinking you are not qualified enough. Many of these colleges and their staff have far too high an opinion of themselves, and their institutions, thinking that you should be far more qualified to work at the "august" institution. Only when no one has come along that they "believe" is worthy of such a post do they realize their error in such elitist thinking and start to desperately go back through old resume, calling every one.

It's not just their culture and it's length that they over value and over estimate, it's their education system as well. They really don't understand that Western institutions, and teacher, are light years ahead of their own in many cases, though I'll admit the number of people who have studied specifically to be teachers of foreign countries that are teaching English in China are relatively few. I see more people with degrees in economics then I do in English or education.

Not sure I would warn avoiding, as it sounds more like you are upset that they did not get back to you more than anything else Visas Shmisas, and in truth it sounds like a run of the mill offer for a public University, though it's certainly not a great job offer, not by a long shot.

Visas Schmisas - 2010-11-07
re: jiujiang job warning


Saw this job advertised on the boards, and thought everyone deserves a headsup.

I politely emailed the young woman (?) named Willow in this ad, and NEVER received one reply, despite having all the qualifications and experience listed.

Two more things to be wary of. 4,200 rmb to 6,500 rmb dep. on experience. Ah, that old gambit! So it really means they will try and pay you as little as possible, or maybe I am too skeptical?

And working in a quieter place of an already backward Jiangxi province....hmmm?

Approach with caution!


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