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#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-11-19
Re Levels of English knowledge

Maybe, and then again maybe not. I often see such knit picky attitudes from people who themselves have a. shall we say questionable background in English, like people who have degrees in accounting and such, no English. They often overcompensate by trying to sell themselves as English professionals, portraying themselves in writing at least as someone who, in their mind at least, is certainly up to snuff despite their lack of actual qualifications and education on the subject. Much of this is insecurity to convince themselves more then anyone else that they are "up to snuff". Regardless of the reasons, demanding such exacting attention to detail from people via email, as well as posters on internet forums, is taking things a bit too fat, and nit picking such things to death.

While I agree that it is important that someone present themselves as more or less fluent in the English language, let us keep in mind that there is "spoken" English, and "written" English. I think some people on forums such as this, and you know who you are, take themselves far too seriously, nit picking such things as grammar and such to such a point where they question a persons ability to teach English. That is a bit too extreme for my liking, and shows, in my opinion, that the person doing it is rather insecure with their own background and ability. Not surprising considering the job of teaching English abroad has a lot of people with little or no education on the subject they are teaching. Given this fact, is it really surprising we get people like the OP passively touting his own horn, whilst at the same time bashing others that in his eyes don't quit make the mark?

Though it's pretty common to want to nit pick the posts of others to death, and while I do think more effort should be put into a proper resume, lets not take ourselves so seriously that we sound as elitist as the OP in this case, OK.

#2 Parent Oldtimer - 2010-11-18
Re Levels of English knowledge

I mean really, if you are an English teacher demonstrate to the public and other readers that your knowledge of English is fluent.

I got it. You really mean that English teachers should have a fluent knowledge of English. Impossible, I'd say!

John Cabott - 2010-11-18
Levels of English knowledge

Some of the posters advertising their C.V for employment in ESL/EFL need to return to school for more English studies. I mean really, if you are an English teacher demonstrate to the public and other readers that your knowledge of English is fluent.

I make orthographic errors too but at least I edit and revise my work. One error is acceptable, two or three errors warrants serious consideration of their employability.

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