Return to Index › Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment
#1 Parent Sanguine - 2010-11-24
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

@ Sanguine: Chinafan wrote that post about less china bashing on the board ,not me, sorry for any confusion :D

My apologies.

#2 Parent Eu'er - 2010-11-23
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

Chinafan: I used to live in the PRC, for a long time in fact. Why should I cast off my western preconceptions or values just to suit a place that isn't my home, or where I didn't plan to live long term. Would a chinese person do the same, most definitely not.

#3 Parent Eu'er - 2010-11-23
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

Eu'er what you call China bashing I and others call speaking the truth

@ Sanguine: Chinafan wrote that post about less china bashing on the board ,not me, sorry for any confusion :D

#4 Parent Daniel Mellor - 2010-11-23
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

If you adapt to the culture here, you might actually like living and working in the PRC! Go with the flow and behave like a Chinese. Cast off your Western preconceptions and culture. That's how astute foreigners advance themselves here in spite of doing very little.

You come across as a bit of a grovelling weasel, if you don't mind me saying so. That said, I've met some foreigners here who behave like the Chinese in one respect that I dislike very much - they'll cheat their fellow FT's for the sake of money. For example, they'll introduce them to schools they know are duff to pocket introduction fees, or assist a cruel Chinese boss to pressurise them in order for said grovelling weasel to keep on very good terms with his greedy headmaster.
I hope you're not that kind of 'astute foreigner'. Cheating greedy Chinese employers whenever you can is fair, but doing so to your fellow FT's is lower than a snake's belly!
#5 Parent Sanguine - 2010-11-23
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

Let's have less China bashing on the board! What about Walmart and the like? There's plenty to gripe about re the west, chain retailers and multinationals, lying politicians, etc.

Eu'er what you call China bashing I and others call speaking the truth. I also don't see your point when you say since there are bad politicians in America we should not talk about Bad CHinese? That makes no sense at all. This is an ESL board, and in addition to China we also talk about Korea and other countries where ESL is big business. It is not in America, so we don't talk about America. No China bashing going on, as you call it, just people speaking the truth in the correct atmosphere, and speaking "on" topic. You talking about America and how corrupt it is, which is comparing apples to oranges by the way when comparing it to China, is quite off topic. I can tell you are pro China, I am in "some" ways, I have lived here for 10 years and have family here now. However I am not so "adapted" that I try to excuse or explain away things by using the old "it happens elsewhere" BS so lets not talk about it here. This is an ESL board, and I will most certainly talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly of China, and any other country that needs to clean up it's act in regards to "esl". Sorry if this offends your sensibilities, but this is an ESL board, so please try and stay on topic, and please do not tell us how we should or should not express or concerns when we are speaking on topic. Take care.

#6 Parent China Fan - 2010-11-22
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

If you adapt to the culture here, you might actually like living and working in the PRC! Go with the flow and behave like a Chinese. Cast off your Western preconceptions and culture. That's how astute foreigners advance themselves here in spite of doing very little. Let's have less China bashing on the board! What about Walmart and the like? There's plenty to gripe about re the west, chain retailers and multinationals, lying politicians, etc.

#7 Parent Eu'er - 2010-11-22
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

Right now from looking around the Eurozone it seems the Chinese are flooding their goods in, much to the chagrin of the Italians and the Spanish who want to protect their own shoe industries.

The name 'zhong guo' says a lot...middle kingdom/place, they see themselves as the centre, everything else is periphery or living space to them. Granted, in the bigger cities, the look at the laowai syndrome has died down, but in second tier cities/the countryside you may as well have landed from mars on a spaceship:)

More laowais in China now marrying chinese girls and having mixed babies. Will things change? probably not...?

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