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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2010-11-24
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

It really is sad to see how shabbily people of Asian descent get treated in this world. Then you turn around and realize that a lot of that has to do with people of Asian descent themselves. Somehow there is a hole in many people's logic that you should be ultra sensitive with how other people treat you yet at the same time you don't do anything with your ignorance of other people.

Definitely a BIG hole in the education system.

#2 Parent Eu'er - 2010-11-22
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment

The Chinese "businessman" is dishonest, unethical, corrupt, and also incompetent. When they move to other countries they bring those negative traits with them.

I recall two stories from an American guy I no longer keep in touch with anymore. He hired a young chinese guy to work at his restaurant, taught him to cook all western foods, how to keep a restaurant in good running order, paid him fairly, tried to teach him the concept of loyalty...the guy rewarded him by leaving and opening up his own restaurant catering to the uni students three doors down:(

The second is he entrusted 20,000 rmb or so to help another chinese guy start up a small cafe place, then the guy never paid it back, despite he is making a small fortune from the place, and probably has other investments.

When it comes to money in China, NOONE is your friend...and that can go for some laowai guys as well, sad to say.

The western concept of loyalty means NOTHING, NADA, NICHTS to your average Chinese person. If they find a weak spot in your armour they will exploit it every single time, despite reassuring you that you are good friends and all that crap.

As for ethics? All those workers in the factories producing fake flu drugs were doing so knowingly...why did not even ONE worker stand up and say it was immoral? I blame the tall poppy syndrome so prevalent in collectivist China, but also a lot of the blame can be focused on their own greed and indifference.

Incompetence? Anyone who has seen a Chinese tradesman at work will realize competence isn't really a virtue in the PRC. I used to work as a technical editor for a SZ electronics company, ensuring the company's blurb and sales catalogue was all in correct order, you wouldn't believe the amount of pettiness and backstabbing and incompetence in the Chinese office environment. All to make the laowai look bad.Hence so many poorly translated chinglish brochures and signs, unwilling to learn or listen. Shanghai metro? Another example....

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