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#1 Parent The Arrogant One - 2005-04-13
PARAMETER - ESL discussion

My dear YOU. Speaking of dullards, in future you'll simply have to imagine there are additional definitions in your dictionary -- that is beyond those you accept as Gospel. Had you done this in the case of parameter, you would have discovered that the word also DOES mean "limit" or "boundary," usually used in the plural. (*Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary)

As for my coffee shop methodologies, I guarantee they are more thoroughly constructed and factual than the garbaggio we have been long forced to endure on this board by insufferable, self-assuming a##h##es such as yourself! Sir, may I humbly suggest that, while poisoning the minds of your Asian students, you also spend time taking Part "B" of that on-line bachelor's degree course you previously abandoned? And ... don't worry, man: I promise not to tell your boss anything about your lacking the proper degree to be employed at his school.

With love,

The Arrogant One

#2 Parent JO 753 - 2005-04-13
Death match - ESL discussion

To the Thunderdome! Two men enter. One man leaves.

#3 Parent the the - 2005-04-13
chastened - ESL discussion

a thousand apologies. you're quite right. in some obscure part of the world they do accept the substitution of the quite correct first "e" in ambience for an "a" so as not to offend the sensitivities of try-hards like yourself.

but...no no seriously. try and find out what "parameter" means. let me explain: "parameter" doesn't mean "boundary" or "limit", or even "perimeter". a parameter is a quantity that varies, for example, temperature or interest rates. the fact that some pretentious dullards use it to mean something else because they think it makes them sound clever is of no consequence whatsoever.

no then again, i am wasting my time. you've gone to great pains to prove to us that your mental capacity is not sufficient to support consideration of these sorts of concepts.

hey legend, i bet your students are just going wild over your creative coffee shop methodologies.


#4 Parent The Arrogant One - 2005-04-13
Spelling / Definition - ESL discussion

The The ... WHAT? As I'm a gentleman, I dare not say! Just let me advise you that the spelling of ambience can also be with the "a", but of course you're simply too much of a smart ## to accept any alternative to the "learning" you obtained via that on-line degree you pursued. Ah, me ... if you're in China, Korea, or Japan, man, do the world a favor and stay the h##l there!

With love,

The Arrogant One

#5 Parent the the - 2005-04-12
yeah sure - ESL discussion


it looks like you're trying to spell "ambience", right? have you found out what "parameter" means yet?

The Arrogant One - 2005-04-12
A Question of Inspiration - ESL discussion

For many writers, the question of atmosphere is paramount to the cause of creativity an absolute must in providing the necessary inspiration. For me it has usually been found in a coffee house. In my time, Ive patronized coffee houses the world over those of Austria, Italy, Israel, Brazil, Mxico, Japan, Canada, and the USA, just to name some. There, Ive sampled one blend after another some of which that have been great, some others not so hotso. But, whom am I trying to deceive? My coffee house excursions have rarely been for the brew alone; theyve also been to sample the ambiance a quantity Ive found mandatory in abetting my creative efforts as a writer. And, guess what? It has actually worked over these past 15 years in that over 70% of my initial ideas and drafts have been successfully completed in one coffee house or another. This year, its been Petes in West Los Angeles.

What Im trying to impress upon you, my dear ESL colleagues, is that in order to be your true, creative self, you need the stimulus gained from your surroundings to spark that special energy (enthusiasm) to get the job done. In this respect, a school that ignores its teaching staff rather than recognize them as a key source of its day-to-day productivity, not only stifles their enthusiasm but also denies the student body a collaboration with the one source that engenders their continued interest in their studies. Sadly enough, Ive taught in far too many private ESL schools where a teachers sole rapport with the management is the broad smile issued on receipt of ones bi-monthly paycheck. So, you can see what I mean by ambiance. As the coffee house abets my creative efforts, a school must likewise offer an atmosphere conducive to both the presentation and ingestion of the coursework.

To all you ESL school and agents thereof, WHEREVER you may be located: Despite the innumerable complaints appearing on this Board over this, that, or the other, the one obvious factor lacking in ESL today seems to be consideration that toward both teachers and students alike. Granted, as in any other business enterprise, the goal in ESL is to profit, but greed and lack of consideration thereof should NEVER serve as an means to this end. Also, far too many arguments over the issue of racial bias and age prejudice have been concealing the true purpose of both management and instructor that of promoting only the highest educational values while satisfying our needs as both academicians and businessmen alike. Similarly, in my choice of coffee house, I seek only that perfect blend of coffee and creativity in short, a place where I can sit in peace for a few hours each day, sip an exotic brew, and write my f*&@!#^ stories!

Viva la Caf! Viva ESL!

The Arrogant One

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