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#1 Parent Topher - 2010-12-09
Re who wants it?

You are employed to hire teachers so you select a few reputable websites and persuade your
bosses to pay for advertising there, only to find out that about 50 other sites have
taken your details, manipulated them for their own criteria and posted the jobs
available. Then your boss complains that those sites are full of nonsense and will cause
him/her/the school issues in the future.

You should have only advertised the jobs through a couple of reputable Chinese recruiters. Then the name of the school wouldn't have been divulged online in a specific advertisement that is able to be hijacked. As you've botched things for your school, you should move on. Next time, you'll know how to proceed in order to avoid the pitfalls.

#2 Parent I want to leave - 2010-12-09
Re who wants it?

Considering I don't work for a school in China why would I choose an agency in China? So with that in mind, I don't think I have botched things for my school, do you Mr/Mrs Topher?

I may have botched things in other ways though, problem is I like my bosses, moving on isnt easy, but thanks for the advice.

#3 Parent silver fox - 2010-12-09
Re who wants it?

You should have only advertised the jobs through a couple of reputable Chinese recruiters.

No doubt you know why for the most part Chinese recruiters don't name the schools/colleges/training centers they're trying to find foreign faces for. That's for two reasons. First and foremost, there are dishonest foreigners who will try to cut them out of their commissions from propective employers by dealing direct with said employers once those foreigners have gleaned the necessary detailed contact information they need. such foreigners can then make a itte more money by splitting the npaid commission with their new employers, unethical in essence! Second, recruiters poach one another's employer leads to increase the number of jobs they have details of. many recruiters will try to do this. As a jobseeker, the only time you'll be given full details of an employer who's eager to offer you a job is when you've agreed to sign a scanned contract through the recruiter. Recruiters distrust employers too - they won't furnish them with a job hunter's contact details until an employer has offered a job througn a recruiter to a foreign face, which is the only way it can be done in any case, due to the safeguards that Chinese recruiters impose on both parties they're trying to bring together. Logical and necessary, given the unprofesional behavior of both Chinese employers and foreigners that is rife here on the mainland.

#4 Parent Topher - 2010-12-09
Re who wants it?

You are employed to hire teachers so you select a few reputable websites and persuade your
bosses to pay for advertising there, only to find out that about 50 other sites have
taken your details, manipulated them for their own criteria and posted the jobs
available. Then your boss complains that those sites are full of nonsense and will cause
him/her/the school issues in the future.

You should have only advertised the jobs through a couple of reputable Chinese recruiters. Then the name of the school wouldn't have been divulged online in a specific advertisement that is able to be hijacked. As you've botched things for your school, you should move on. Next time, you'll know how to proceed in order to avoid the pitfalls.

I want to leave - 2010-12-09
who wants it?

Hi all,

Imagine the following:

1) You are employed to hire teachers so you select a few reputable websites and persuade your bosses to pay for advertising there, only to find out that about 50 other sites have taken your details, manipulated them for their own criteria and posted the jobs available. Then your boss complains that those sites are full of nonsense and will cause him/her/the school issues in the future.

2) You receive about 200 applications, more than half are redundant because people have followed the maladjusted posts rather than the originals, and have no idea of where they are applying too, what they are applying for or even where on earth the job is based.

3) Half of the remaining posts aren't worth pursuing because the potential candidate claims to have friends in the area who tell him/her of a grossly misinformed potential salary, or because they have no chance or interest in obtaining the relevant paperwork.

4) From the remaining few many of them, rather than asking for explanations about deals on offer, local conditions and so on, choose to lambast you on numerous websites, often personally even though you represent a school and 99 per cent of the times they have no idea as to what they are lambasting, to which many inappropriate people (those with no or very little understanding of the market in which you operate) feel they have the knowledge to respond to.

5) You offer the best three jobs knowing you need to fill three positions only to be told by one that they saw a post about your school that dates back to four years earlier. You inform them that nobody (no school or company of any sort) is perfect, that many things change over four years, that bad news travels faster than good news, and one or two complaints in four plus years isn't too abnormal for such an industry as this, but are told very 'nicely,' that they are worth much more anyway, and they have mysteriously, suddenly found 50000 complaints.

6) Your boss is putting pressure on you as it is almost the start of courses and you are a teacher or two missing and he/she doesn't understand why foreign teachers need to be paid at least four times as much as what local teachers earn.

7) You take a next best option who proves to be better than the two 'experienced,' teachers you agreed to hire, and while your boss complains the experienced teachers are over priced, the experienced teachers do their best to criticise their lesser experienced colleague.

8) Anybody want my job, because we can swap for January if you want?

:) Good luck to everybody with good intent.

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