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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2010-12-30
Re China's problems

I would NEVER let someone like "RS" get into my head on how to behave as a person and what I should or shouldn't accept as fact in this world. Unfortunately sometimes we live in a world occupied by too many fools and morons who wish to mislead and twist good ideas around to suit their own agendas. Sometimes we can feel truly isolated. Just stick to your own bottom line and never compromise with anyone on things which are truly your own. You must do this in places which have no true moral underlining.

#2 Parent itsy bitsy spider - 2010-12-29
Re China's problems

China does indeed have serious social inequalities. That leads to many citizens feeling discontented and angry. From the content of your post and your choice of username, I surmise you're among those FT's who have been treated poorly in China. The problem is that there are too many FT's in that category, me included. We have suffered the bad effects of certain aspects of Chinese culture firsthand, which gives us the right to analyse it. We needn't be judged by readers like "RS", who are probably too preoccupied trying to popularise themselves with their unscrupulous Chinese bosses here on the mainland to notice their good natures are being compromised by the shabby way they're being treated by those who have employed them.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2010-12-29
Re China's problems

We are not trying to stereotype Asians or generalize anyone. We are merely stating the trend of how people behave in a certain place, that's all. People who criticize China are not all "whities" as you say it. This is a discussion board to talk openly about things which really happen. Stop judging others when you don't even know them and what they have been through.

#4 Parent R S - 2010-12-28
Re China's problems

If you have lived in China for a few years you can easily tell that this is not a "harmonious" society.

Pepole are good at being cruel to one another wherever they may be. Love thy neighbor is the way to go. That goes for whities too, not just Asians. As a herd, we're all guilty of being unharmonious in our homelands. It's not just the Chinese. Everywhere is the same in this regard, but to varying degrees. I guess the silverboy poster couldn't be in harmony anywhere, he loves philosophying. I advise him to get a real job. Then he'll be to busy to generalize!

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