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#1 Parent shawna - 2011-01-08
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia

ha! georgia is so friggin small, really. so, my old (georgian, of course) student (on fb) tells me about this pgm (i lived there for 3 yrs). i can't go as i'm now married with a tot and my husband makes good money here in dc ( i met this particular turkish fella--the now-husband--in tbilisi, believe it!). but, anyway, i check the pgm out. it's legit. i'm pretty sure since i keep tabs on their current events and what have you. the thing is, it's basically a free ticket there (and back if you hang in there for--what--a year? i think) and a very small stipend (300 or thereabouts) to get you by--if u go against the whole deal, i'm guessing they can just be like, 'oh well' and not give u a ticket home, which would be fair, considering they're pretty up front about the whole deal to begin with (i checked out their website) and have already brought teachers in...but having lived there through a divorce among other major bs in tbilisi, 300 will def get you buy if you're not paying rent, fyi. you can get private students and make sure that this gov't run pgm accepts that ahead of time (how else to get clothes at the bazar or drinks at the club??)--that'll get you, oh, $15 an hour?? maybe less--but def in that range. so, my student was a friend of a person (who happened to be female) and heavily involved in the project (and he contacted her bc he wanted to fill me in). so, while i can't speak to the satisfaction of the poor things there now, i can certainly hook u up with info about the country, its conditions. etc. this retard ass gov't shoulda hired me as a guide or something, yeah right on that lol... yes, as a gov't they are totally corrupt, but the pgm isn't (i'm pretty sure they won't rip off americans and other western nationals en mass that pay their country to, well, run!)...although i'd keep my whereabouts as an attractive female who might not be at all georgian looking, entering the pgm...just sayin...hit me up with an email if you are looking at this pgm and would really like to go. i have noting more than general info, a few friends and female advice to share. sorry if this email is full of errors. cheers :D

#2 Parent TL - 2011-01-07
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia

@ Turnoi: Thanks for all your advice regarding this matter. I have took it to heart and after much hand wringing have simply decided it's not worth all the hassle involved for such a meagre stipend (which has now been reduced!)

Thanks again, perhaps I was ignoring my own doubts out of boredom from being unemployed, but you have now helped me reach a decision.

Shame on these merchants/profiteers...

Cheers and cold dutch lager beers,

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