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#1 Parent El Lawyer - 2011-01-13
Re gap year travel no good...

Yeah and maybe coming home from travelling and having no medical insurance, no pension, no job is great fun too. Walk a mile in my shoes Mr D and then get back to me about how travelling is so great....

That aside, I merely posted the article to start debate.

#2 Parent dedalus - 2011-01-13
Re gap year travel no good...

yea. Here's a questions: why not forget your cubicle, forget settling down and living a meager, dull life in the place that you've always lived, why not forget seeing nothing, forget a dull existence, forget the world that you will never experience, the world you will never know, the life you will never live, forget living for a bank account and a comfortable retirement (because these are the things you will have if you don't travel, don't experience), why don't you forget all these things, because they will most likely be unfulfilling and meaningless, and dig yourself a grave? Maybe traveling is silly, maybe knowing the world you live in is silly too, and maybe imagining the world you live in from a tiny window or a line at the bank is not, maybe everything that doesn't maximize profits is silly, and maybe staring at the same rusty swing-set your whole life is not, but in what context?

The Lawyer - 2011-01-12
gap year travel no good...


This article seems to go along with what Silverboy has been saying all along, that travelling and working abroad is no good for guys from 20-35, and better spent getting your debts paid off, and settled in your own country.

thoughts anyone?

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