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#1 Parent shawna - 2011-01-16
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia

yes, well, its gross--there's not much more i can say about it. i aim to dig around now as your skepticism promotes some questions about the pgm's integrity and a few possible a-holes benefitting from western generosity. i would very much hope that isn't the case. i don't see how a country in a territory for a bad rap with--well, the list is long--would enforce the status quo with a few bucks. it just doesn't seem reasonable somehow.

#2 Parent The Lawyer - 2011-01-13
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia

Of course it is a volunteer gig Shawna! But I doubt it is still worth it for single people, or even people with savings, lets go over the latest ad from footprints recruiting, if i may:


It mentions something like 26 teaching hours a week, consider in China even at a training centre you would only have 25 hours a week class time, your own apartment, and higher pay.

Is a complete lack of privacy, low pay, high teaching hours in a crime ridden country worth it?

Cheers and holland lager beers,

#3 Parent shawna - 2011-01-13
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia

hopefully i won't encounter abusive language for saying so, but this is definitely a volunteer gig, whether it sucks or not (or whether they're up front or stealing stipends or not). it definitely seems like a thing that is only worth it to those who are single and have the option of having major time off in life as well as a savings account...and there are better places to visit in that position...one could teach at a private school for a few hours a week and make as much (i once did this but it wasn't my favorite gig by far, even though i generally like children), and i'm pretty sure that, with diligent research, a respectable family would host an english student for free (although this would be hard to find, but possible i imagine, maybe through a university). a decent studio in the center-ish is about 200 gel a month. and the bills are separate. a nice, normal apt in the center/center-ish is about 600 gel. should you ever decide to have a candle light adventure (as the power often goes out), maybe you could check out jobs.ge. i don't recall ever having found anything there myself, but if institutions such as the british council ever have a gig, then it would be much more worth it. on said website i spied a cultural exchange pgm and some lecturing (professorship) positions and one from PTG (i worked there before for 800usd--fulltime--a month, not the worst job and not the best, but they never took my money, an no, i'm not recruiting, the city is really just very small). for the fun of it, i'd recommend istanbul if you've never been there. craigslist is a good start for that one (and its easy to leave a shitty situation and enter a better one) what a blast!

#4 Parent The Lawyer - 2011-01-11
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia

Will you be prepared to comment on the now reduced stipend, in light of the fact that the volunteer teacher has to give 100 lari each month to his host family. Which when you bear in mind the younger members of said host family have basically got a free english teacher into the bargain as well, seems to make the programme less worthwhile?

400.00 GEL = 172.276 EUR

at today's rates, according to www.xe.com/ucc

I'd be better off working in a bar/supermarket in europe and being entitled to medical care, how is this offer attractive anyone....even a gap year student?

#5 Parent shawna - 2011-01-11
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia

thanks for being polite about it and i'll be careful about the 't-word' to be sure silver boy. anywho, i totally get why people should deter people from many of these places...in regards to georgia, i had some super shitty experiences there but only shared the generalizations as a very fair word of warning to females; crappy ppl and crappy institutions are, well, crappy and they should be called out for it, i just don't like when negative generalizations are made toward a group of people that sort of attack them in a way that might make people miss out on expanding their horizons and meeting some decent folks.

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