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#1 Parent TL - 2011-01-16
Re: prodigious packages.....

There was no intention to gloat, just stating a bald fact as a precursor to my holiday. As for what other people make of what I write, that is their choice. I was merely trying to show that not all Chinese employers try to cheat their employees, and some pay vacation salaries in advance. As for your presumption, I will on reflection leave that unanswered.

I didn't mean to say you are a gloater. You seem a perfectly modest fellow in fact, at least on here. However, stating a bald fact to some who don't get two months salary at once preceding an admittedly long holiday break, could be taken by some to be gloating. Even in the UK, salary is only on a monthly basis. I have worked at a public uni in Guangdong before, and received this kind of payment before, only once though.

I never said anywhere that Chinese employers do. There ARE good universities to work for, and they tend to be better than the middle schools and other crappier places.

It's your right to leave my presumption unanswered of course, but I still think you are a man of mystery as to how you can not afford to work for two months, economic crisis et al...

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