Return to Index › Recuiting Foreign Teachers
#1 Parent chrissy - 2011-01-25
Recuiting Foreign Teachers

if you want to apply as a teacher abroad, you may also look for new posts on www.teachabroad.com

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-01-23
Recuiting Foreign Teachers

You DO REALIZE you run the risk of getting people over at a bad time (like before/during/after the Olympic games) might create hell for them, and they just MIGHT post on public forums like these, right?

One trip up and your own reputation will be ruined, forever with some people. Please consider you plan carefully. Job agencies can be set up by anyone, really. But to actually be able to find a whole group of credible private schools is actually impossible. Do you really want to do this?

Nathan Barker - 2011-01-20
Recuiting Foreign Teachers

Hello Everyone,

I want to start recruiting teachers for schools in China.... i know many people who want to start teaching in China, and i want to become an agent so i can recruit them to different schools. Does anyone have any advice, or know how i can start doing this?

Do you think contacting current agents asking for commision is worthwhile or is there a different way of doing this?

Anyones help would be greatly appreciated.


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