Return to Index › Re: FAOs and the system behind them
#1 Parent THE LAWYER - 2011-01-23
Re: FAOs and the system behind them

this is a serious topic! and, the FAO doesn't have to run as he's most likely surrounded by local officials and a couple of aged FTs that kiss his rear end for a permit to stay. cheers and beers to fireworks :)

Thanks for the support EG. And I agree it IS a serious topic!!! The guanxi he has with local officials, similar to 'wasta' in Arabian countries, is one reason these guys can pull the crap they do...and bloody well get away with it!

Then you mention the 'brown nosers', I don't know who is worse, but I have met a couple of those types during my time in China and they utterly sicken me, they would talk crap about anyone or anything, just to make their retirement and western pension go further in China, than it would living in some desolate US city or windswept rural town in Scotland with high prices.

Cheers and Amstel beers to fireworks...right up their bumholes, lol

#2 Parent englishgibson - 2011-01-23
Re: FAOs and the system behind them

come on turno! back with your crocks? this is a serious topic! and, the FAO doesn't have to run as he's most likely surrounded by local officials and a couple of aged FTs that kiss his rear end for a permit to stay. cheers and beers to fireworks :)

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