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ELRIC - 2011-01-29
A True Story

Last semester I taught class at a foreign language institute in north-east China. One of my foreign colleagues, a Chinese Americsn, had signed a contact that included a clause stipulating he would be dismissed at once if he was discovered having a romantic association with any of his Chinese colleagues or students. About two weeks before his contract was half-finished, he departed for home, something I was surprised at, knowing that he was populsr among his students. After he had gone, I was told in confidence that he had been caught having an affair with a Chinese co-worker, causing him to be dismissed on the spot. However, I was told by two members of the fifteen-strong religious organization from America on whose behalf he was teaching, that the reason for his premature departure was that one of his immediate family members back home was gravely ill. The fact that other members of his organization chose to reject the company of their leader, Dave, during a festive season social function, led me to the conclusion that there had been a rift within said organization caused by something sefrious. Putting one and one together made me surmise that Dave had sided with the Chinese. That would be despite the fact that that private institute struggles to attract sufficient numbers of FT's to fill its teaching vacancies. Maybe Turnoi, as a man of the cloth, would care to comment on the above.

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