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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-06
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

Keep your head up bro. This is a very big world we live in. In the global world we are all connected and the things countries do will come back more quickly and bite them on the arse. If things don't ever change in our lifetime we can learn slowly but surely to move on with our lives and do bigger things than the people we left behind can ever imagine. While living for the better, we can all share our experiences so that we may find others who have had similiar experiences to lean on and provide support for one another as well as to show people who may not know much about this place what they should or shouldn't get themselves into. It is our responsibility now, and more power to us for having it.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-06
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

By the way I wouldn't call it a Confucian system, the word Confucious gets thrown around a lot these days as the chinese government funds these pretend confucious academies throughout the world in the name of promoting their brand of "culture". If you ask what kind of "culture" they promote, it's obviously the kind that eastern Euruope and Russia abandoned after 1990. Basically the philosophy of stating, "I'm in a certain class, so I know better than you, therefore I don't need to listen to anything you have to say or believe. I TELL YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD SAY AND BELIEVE, and you oughtta be thankful for it!"

If the Confu man were around today, he would be saying things like: Confucious says, "Never twist anothers words around like what they did to mine." or "One who borrows ideas from others should state them honestly as to not give that person a bad name." or "WTF I NEVER said that stop saying I said that!!!"

#3 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-06
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

This is something that I mulled over a lot during my final year in China, and ultimately,led to my decision to leave it all behind and begin life anew. I grew tired of amoral people telling me that my salary should be X amount as per the contract and all the ways they can cut it down, meanwhile the school leaders are driving shiny new Audis around and thousands of RMB for fancy dinners for next to no reason at all. Tired of being told it's wrong for a foreign teacher to have Chinese women in his apartment,because this is China (yes that old gambit!), yet all the chinese girls working in the office are wearing miniskirts that leave nothing to the imagination, the kind of clothing that would make a muslim cleric blush, and knocking shops all outside educational institutes. Just tired of the double standards, we are meant to respect their confucian system, but they don't respect ours!

The points you mentioned are perfectly valid, but will things ever change for the better?

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2011-02-06
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

Not only does it suck, it's totally hypocritical.

Confucianism my @$$. Civility my behind. The LACK OF A MORAL UNDERLINING and having NO BELIEF system is what defines this place.

#5 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-05
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

I agree that charging the foreigners over double totally sucks. Sadly it's an all too common practice in China...

#6 Parent asd - 2011-02-05
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

I thought Harbin was lame too. What about the Gondola ride across the Songhua river that charges all foreigners 100rmb and Chinese people 30 rmb? I told 'em where to stick their racist dual pricing!

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