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#1 Parent Rin - 2011-02-12
Re Couples living together in China.

Hmm.. when I asked my employers if a male friend could stay over they said ok.. when they found out it wasn't a foreign friend, that he was Chinese, they flat out refused. I told them they were racist. Haha.

#2 Parent englishgibson - 2011-02-11
Re Couples living together in China.

I've lived almost half a decade with a local before we married on mainland. We had few issues, but the only major one that stands out is that we were refused a hotel room once. I really don't believe it's illegal as my experiences suggest that locals were willing to rent us homes or hotel rooms when we were on vacations. Moreover, my experience that my previous employers allowed us to stay in their appartment also suggests there's nothing wrong with that. However, others may have different experiences and don't forget that China is changing fast. Changes that are directed at foreigners may as well be more inconvenient than convenient, since this country is gearing towards some sort of a new sophisticated "iron curtain" style.
Cheers and beers to our fine local companions we want to or have to live with

#3 Parent bullring - 2011-02-10
Re Couples living together in China.

Don't judge the middle east too readily, pengyou, Turkey is pretty much secular yet 99% muslim, and in Dubai there are world class nightclubs, bars, and everything is available a westerner can want.

#4 Parent Bullring - 2011-02-10
Re Couples living together in China.

Legally, cohabitation is still not allowed in China, but in practice, a blind eye is turned.

Look at all the off campus hotels and accomodation for students who won't follow the Chinese uni rules?!

From what I read a lot of the restrictive social laws were eased up on in the mid to late 90s, so while it may still not be fully legal, it is just tolerated, prostitution is illegal in China...see my point?

#5 Parent Aaron - 2011-02-10
Re Couples living together in China.

It's not a problem. No one will ask or care. Plenty of unmarried couples have children as well. It's China not the middle east

#6 Parent bullring - 2011-02-10
Re Couples living together in China.

Technically, still illegal, but in practicality...no. A lot of the social controls were lifted in the latter half of the 90s...

Rin - 2011-02-10
Couples living together in China.

I have a question, and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the subject.
Is it legal to live together in China without being married? I have searched on-line and can't find a definite answer and I keep getting conflicting results. So does anyone know?.. can you provide a link to an official website.. if there is one. Thanks.

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