Return to Index › Cowboy Training Centres - ESL discussion
#1 Parent TEFL Advisor - 2005-04-21
Jobs - ESL discussion

Sorry to hear about your experience John. Even some of the better known providers do offer no post-course support.

Saying that, some of the same providers only give a pass or fail grade so I wouldnt worry too much about that

Now is not the best time of year to look for ELT work as most places are well entrenched in their academic year

Saying that, there is no shortage of work out there - look at some of the recruitment websites and you should be able to pick something up pretty quickly

Good luck!

John - 2005-04-21
Cowboy Training Centres - ESL discussion


There are a lot of cowboy training centres for potential TEFL teachers in Western Europe.

I have just attended one where there was no time table and no advise or support after attending the TESOL course as to jobs. My former colleagues and I are at sea at the moment with no work in sight. It was a case with this cowboy training centre of: well we got your money, you have your training, on your bike!!!! Also there was no breakdown as to why we got a particular grade.

Warning to all potential Trainee Teachers. Do your research before enrolling in any Teacher Training course. Back up after you have finished the course is essential.

Has anyone else had any similar experiences?


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