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#1 Parent TC Hater - 2011-02-16
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

Regarding those running and defending crappy training centre as their paid lackeys and all the grovelling weasels on here:

You are allowed to have a different opinion, even if I'm petulant, ignorant, or sound stupid, but you're still wrong.

Welcome to the club, TC Trasher!....LOL

#2 Parent TC Trasher - 2011-02-15
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

Silverboy has a goal, namely to find a suitable Chinese wife this comimg semester. I'm absolutely sure he'll rise to the challenge he has set himself. One lucky Chinese woman will emerge from the hordes to become Silvergirl. Mark my words!

1. I'm right.
2. If you do not agree with me, you're wrong.
3. You are allowed to have a different opinion, even if I'm petulant, ignorant, or sound stupid, but you're still wrong.

#3 Parent bullring - 2011-02-15
Re Haerbin International Ice Festival

I have also heard the Philippines is bad, a worry for me, as I intend to move there this July if I fail to find a wife in China by then.

GL silverboy!

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