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#1 Parent Unhappy Camper - 2011-03-02
Re Medical testings for Korean Position

I cannot imagine anyone asking such a question unless the drugs in question were being legally used for medical purposes in one country that may not accept that in another. If you use illegal drugs, perhaps teaching is not the best vocation for you to be working in.

#2 Parent Rowan Wells - 2011-03-01
Re Medical testings for Korean Position

Hello Jessica,

If my memory serves me, officially the government doesn't require a THC test as part of the required drug test upon arrival.

According to the Korean Immigration Bureau website, instructors entering on an E2 visa to work in a university or private institute, or those invited by the Ministry of Education, must undergo and submit an "original medical checkup including drug test(TBPE test) and AIDS test(HIV test) issued within 3 months from the application date. Medical checkup should be issued by general hospital, hospital, clinic under Article 3 of the Medical Law or public health center under Article 7 of the Regional Health Law or medical center under Article 8."

The TBPE test is designed to detect opiates or other narcotic-type drugs.

That being said, some hospitals/clinics may do the test anyway as part of their regular drug test procedure. If a positive THC test result were to be passed on to your employer, you may not be employed much longer. It is definitely recommended not to use any illegal substances in the months leading up to your departure for Korea (or ever, for that matter).

I hope that answers your question.

Rowan Wells
Oxford Seminars

#3 Parent Tom - 2011-02-18
Re Medical testings for Korean Position

I was thinking about getting a teaching job in Korea
but i was wondering if they do Marijuana testings for teachers

Hello Sweetheart

Well, I know there are testing jobs for tea, wine, beer, (used to be for fags) etceteras (called tasting): however, you'd be better off teaching English, marijuana isn't good for you. Having said that, Petal, there must be jobs along those lines in dubious quarters. When I were younger I remember, somebody lit up and presented six pliffs for me to test and give my opinion-I was asked to grade the rascals and pass knowledgeable remarks like, pliff number one tastes like it's been grown by a dosser in his wardrobe under artificial light, it tastes like shite; whereas, pliff 2 is definitely more upmarket, decidedly Jamaican in both taste and texture.

I think you can forget about landing a job like that in Korea-how many students would you find anyway? Have you ever thought about teaching English in China? It's where all the mature handsome English English(British) teachers ply their trade. I meself return there in two days-give me a nod if you think China could appeal.

#4 Parent bullring - 2011-02-18
Re Medical testings for Korean Position

Is this a serious question?

If it is anything like China pretty sure a blood test will be done, so possibly that could detect marijuana use. If you are thinking of going to Asia, don't even bother with drugs IMHO...the penalties just aren't worth it!

Jessica - 2011-02-18
Medical testings for Korean Position

I was thinking about getting a teaching job in Korea
but i was wondering if they do Marijuana testings for teachers.

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