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#1 Parent Lip Stick - 2011-03-09
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping

You live in the right area for police harassment. I hope you don't work for one of the bad schools in that area because those teachers that work for bad schools frequently get the business from the police. The cops want to find ways to get promoted and one way for them to do that is to make an example of some schools and some foreigners. Teachers are easy targets and ripe for the picking.

#2 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-09
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping

carry a photo copy of your passport the original is not mandatory for safety reasons. Any officer demanding to see your original call your FAO at school

#3 Parent Andy - 2011-03-08
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping

I was stopped at Pizza Hut on Monday night on my way out. It was not a big deal. I was stopped a few months ago too. It does not seem that they really care about the passports but they are sure curious about where people work, what they do, how much they get paid, and how much tax is deducted. I think the passport stop is the reason they use to ask questions. Keep your nose clean and carry your passport and its all good.

FT4LIFE - 2011-03-08
Cops getting a little snippy in Changping

What's the deal with the locals getting so snippy lately? I came out of Wal-Mart and got flagged down by a Changping pig. Assertive and confident and a little on the snippy side. White van, no markings. No uniform. Showed me his ID and in half assed English told me he wanted to see my passport. I showed him my FEC and he called over his comrade in uniform to drill me with 60 questions. I was not carrying my passport. They gave me a letter in Chinese advising me to carry my passport or be subjected to fines of up to 500 RMB. Now I need to go to the pig station with my passport and my registration by 5 PM tomorrow. Not a biggie but geez. A little more friction than I planned on for my day. Cops were asking me about other FT's in the area, if I liked China, and what I think of working in China. One cop took my photo. 1 male and 1 female cop in uniform and 1 cop with no uniform. Been here over 2 years never got carded. First time for everything.

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