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#1 Parent Sam - 2011-12-23
Re: Recruit China Teachers?

I'm new to the board and new to the idea of teaching in China. I've been looking at two different recruitment agencies, BOAO and Recruitchinateachers (which also seems to go by the name of Recruit 4 China). Has anyone else on the board had an experience with these folks, particularly Recruit 4 China? They claim to be foreign-owned and operated, and legitimately interested in helping their clients, but not having talked to the folks that claim to run the agency, I really can't say whether that's the case. I'm a bit worried because when they sent me a sample contract, it was with Bekerley Global Education, which has gotten some negative reviews on this site before, but it wasn't clear whether that was a problem with the company or with an individual affiliated with them. Does anyone here know anything that could be helpful here?

#2 Parent Tom - 2011-03-10
Recruit China Teachers?

You don't need to find a recruiter to find a bad school. Foreigners have been doing an excellent job at being taken advantage of on their own for years in China. I saw some Filipinos beat the stuffing out of a Korean recruiter on Friday night. It was fantastic. That made my year and my trip to China is now complete after having seen that. They were so organized and so methodical. It was almost a professional hit. My only regret is I did not take my phone with me for the video. The Filipino ESL teachers were going wild with the smack down of an arrogant prick recruiter from Korea that stiffed them on several thousand Renminbi. That made my nipples hard.

Sounds like you have been holidaying in that Chinese Westworld, Sweetheart. You sit in the bar and feel edgy as some conveniently placed smarmy Korean Recruiter leers at you menacingly; however, the Divine Arsenals of Intervention in the guise of Filipino ESL teachers leap out from the shadows and give him his comeuppance. I am always waking up soaked in sweat after a heavy night on the Baijiu- in a state of panic i feverishly reach for my mobile, only to come down to earth with a plop realising that even in this age of advanced technology it would not have been able to record my nocturnal wanderings. As for the last bit, I'm English, 6' 9" and very fond of Morris Dancing.

#3 Parent Lip Stick - 2011-03-09
Recruit China Teachers?

You don't need to find a recruiter to find a bad school. Foreigners have been doing an excellent job at being taken advantage of on their own for years in China. I saw some Filipinos beat the stuffing out of a Korean recruiter on Friday night. It was fantastic. That made my year and my trip to China is now complete after having seen that. They were so organized and so methodical. It was almost a professional hit. My only regret is I did not take my phone with me for the video. The Filipino ESL teachers were going wild with the smack down of an arrogant prick recruiter from Korea that stiffed them on several thousand Renminbi. That made my nipples hard.

#4 Parent Tom - 2011-03-05
Recruit China Teachers?

"Never heard of them but like all recruiters and just like all crap schools...give them some time. I am sure that they'll pop up soon. Don't deal with recruiters at any time, any where, for any reason."

I know what you mean but it's a bit difficult to avoid recruiters or teacher suppliers, don't you think, more especially for your first job in China?

Nearly all jobs whether private or state schools and universities are advertised through an agency. Most jobs in state schools get their FT's through a teacher supplier (often call themselves schools) and send you to Middle Schools etceteras. Plain and simple recruitment agents are the least of ones problems because once the deal is done, with you arriving at your employer {teacher supplier, private school, university, middle school etceteras}they wash their hands of you and collect their fee(they probably would have told you a pack of lies in the process.)

Now, it's often the case that {private schools,training centres, teacher suppliers} will often do some of their own recruiting, but state schools and universities almost never do. If you work in a middle school you'll hardly ever be paid by them directly, rather by your employer, the supplier, who could well have recruited you as well.

If you are looking for a job in China ,the recruiter is your first step, you can't avoid the scoundrels.Once you have had some experience and have some knowledge under your belt you can avoid a recruiter; however, if you want to work in a state school you will almost always have to actually work for a crap supplier. Whoever pays your wages is the one you work for-not where you work.

#5 Parent Tom - 2011-03-06
Recruit China Teachers?


Just wondering if anyone knows how long the agency 'Recruit China Teachers' has been around? Ive got my job through them started a few weeks ago, and everythings great, really happy with them....but theres nothing much wrote online about them...

Ive actually had no problems at all, in fact they've done great compared to my expectations. The good thing i found throughout my communication with them was they say they are foreign teachers and recruiters, which must be true as a foreigner always called me.

Ive had a really good experience using them, just wondering if anyone else had too because i know many people dont really like recruiters, but maybe some are different."

I don't like recruiters(are they recruiters or recruiters and also your employers?) but I'm hard-pressed to see what you're on about, since you declare that they've exceeded your wildest expectations.

Why are you writing this....... because you can't readily unearth anything bad about them, even though you have no logical reason to want to try?

I feel that in the course of time this outfit will reveal their true colours to you- that'll be the time to grumble or otherwise.

#6 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-03-05
Recruit China Teachers?

Never heard of them but like all recruiters and just like all crap schools...give them some time. I am sure that they'll pop up soon. Don't deal with recruiters at any time, any where, for any reason.

Nathan Barker - 2011-03-04
Recruit China Teachers?


Just wondering if anyone knows how long the agency 'Recruit China Teachers' has been around? Ive got my job through them started a few weeks ago, and everythings great, really happy with them....but theres nothing much wrote online about them...

Ive actually had no problems at all, in fact they've done great compared to my expectations. The good thing i found throughout my communication with them was they say they are foreign teachers and recruiters, which must be true as a foreigner always called me.

Ive had a really good experience using them, just wondering if anyone else had too because i know many people dont really like recruiters, but maybe some are different.

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