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#1 Parent claudzs - 2011-03-21
Re proxy fines


That's scary, a lot of foreigner uses proxy because almost all the sites which i know off are blocked.

#2 Parent Bill - 2011-03-13
Re proxy fines

I think not, only another method to relieve the foreigners of some of their money and enrich the lives of a few privileged police officers; anmother benefit of their position of authority

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-03-12
Re proxy fines

This is certainly bad news for foreign teachers. Why would the police target your friend specifically? Was the police tipped by someone who knew that her computer may or may not have had these kinds of proxies? Is this another witch hunt to find foreigners who are purportedly threats to the stability of the state?

Bill - 2011-03-12
proxy fines

Recently informed by a friend and fellow teacher that police came to her home and searched her computer files, ostensibly looking for people who install proxies(I think that is correct) so they can access Facebook and other banned sites. Apparently big fines are in order for anyone they catch doing this(10,000-30,000 rmb I have been informed) Anyone else been subjected to this intrusion I hope you will inform the board here. My friend is a teacher in the Luoyang area.

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