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#1 Parent Paul Fox - 2017-01-26
Re EF using camouflage?

I'm not attacking you. I think you may have read my remark "can't be bothered" out of context. I probably should have said maybe you "don't feel inclined" instead. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

#2 Parent Former Employee - 2017-01-26
Re EF using camouflage?

Already done that.

"Can't be bothered" - why you attacking me?

#3 Parent Foxy - 2017-01-24
Re EF using camouflage?

Turnoi is usually the first person here to slag-off ALL training centres, irrespective of who they are. However, EF (English First) is a HUGE franchise operation with training centres in several countries, not just China.

As Turnoi said though, EF really ARE the 'bottom-of-the-barrel', and their reputation proves it.

You should write a letter of complaint to the local FEB (the office that issued your Foreign Expert's Certificate) making sure you outline everything. I understand it's something you probably can't be bothered to do, but it's our duty to protect naïve new teachers from being abused in this way.


#4 Parent Former Employee - 2017-01-24
Re EF using camouflage?

I advise staying FAR away from EF TIANJIN.

Their upper management will use ANY MEANS and SAY ANYTHING to bully you into staying there.

The senior dos is UN-QUALIFIED and doesn't have a university degree and i know FOR A FACT this school buys degrees online to use to apply for FEC/ZVisa for employees or potential employees who do not hold degrees.

They will refuse to transfer / release your papers at the end of your contract meaning that you have to leave China and reapply at a MASSIVE cost to you.

They lie - management lies and tries to intimidate you with things like "there are no other options for you".

Never mind the questionable actions of upper management.

The environment is TOXIC and teachers are just cash-cows.

Dispicable behavior from upper management.

Intimidation tactics.

Directors of studies who will lie and deceive you by instruction of upper management.


I'm so glad I left.

I will never return to an EF because of the awful treatment I received at EF TIANJIN.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-11
Re: EF using camouflage?

I'm sure that you're fully aware of your employer judging people by whether or not they are Native Speakers of English or Non-native speakers based on how bleachy their faces look. Oh wait you're NOT aware of this? Then maybe you shouldn't make such comments and give credit where it isn't deserved, thank you very much.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2011-09-11
Re: EF using camouflage?

Please do not write any other outrageous posts regarding this. You are very wrong!

Is this not a free teachers board, what?

#7 Parent Contributor - 2011-09-11
Re: EF using camouflage?

I can assure you that this school has nothing to do with EF!

So, please explain why Ao Jia uses EF's email address in their recruitment ads!

Date: Wednesday, 16 March 2011, at 11:54 a.m.
Couples Preferred - Ao Jia Language School seeking two professional teachers starting in June in Qinhuangdao, China
Posted By: Ao Jia Foreign Language School

Date: Monday, 30 May 2011, at 11:59 a.m.
EF English First, Tianjin wants to offer you the chance to visit one of the world's most interesting countries this summer
Posted By: EF English First, Tianjin
#8 Parent Colin Tennant - 2011-09-11
Re: EF using camouflage?

Hi there,

My name is Colin Tennant and I am currently teaching at Ao Jia School with my girlfriend and have been doing so for nearly four months. I can assure you that this school has nothing to do with EF! It is a private language college in Qinhuangdao and is a great place to work. It has only two native speakers and the Principal Helen Chen. I also know the previous teachers who have worked here. Please do not write any other outrageous posts regarding this. You are very wrong!


Colin Tennant - British ESL teacher at Ao Jia Private Foreign Languange College

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2011-03-20
Re EF using camouflage?

Even if there was the miraculous chance of there being a good DOS, the DOS actually has no power at the school. It's the owners who have the final say in the end. They and only they have the decision making powers. I wouldn't trust any owner of any private "school". Not anymore anyway. Greed in the end is always top priority. Quality is only a gimmick word used to fool others.

#10 Parent Dying Young - 2011-03-19
Re EF using camouflage?

Excellently put Crap School Spotter.
Another gripe I would just like to get of chest is 'in house testing'. If there was a private examination body (i.e. Cambridge exams) that the students took instead of E.F's own pretend tests/exams, then surely the chaff would be weeded out a lot quicker. In house exams only leads one way, and that's to corruption.
As a parting note, I assume from some of the post I've been reading on here that several of you are based in China. At the moment I'm in Indonesia, where the standard is no better.

#11 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-03-18
Re EF using camouflage?

So when you say "Though your posting is based on their new methods of trying to recruit teachers," I assume that this means that EF has had to resort to lying, cheating and stealing, in order to recruit teachers after cashing in on the franchise scams that they are involved with and loosing control of their brand and overall image which is a direct byproduct of their already infamous business plan of lying, cheating, and stealing.

Is that about right?

That would be like Pizza Hut using a McDonald's email address for recruiting cooks after the word gets out that their pizzas are bad.

EF is done. They are a [edited]. They are a [edited]. They are a [edited] organization that steels money from students while holding their teachers under their thumbs while placing threats and pressure on them to turn a blind eye to their unlawful business practices while also lowering their standards, of which EF is already far below any realm of professional standards anyway. If the FT smells a rat and looks for redress they are threatened with visa cancellations, or some other form of felony retribution. When any FT tries to do the right thing based on fairness, common sense and a sense of doing the right thing in the best interests of their students, places like EF smash them down.

At the same time, now that you work for EF ad you are part of the problem the thing to do is to leave EF immediately. Pack your bag, head for the airport and leave. Go back home and stay there where in your country, wherever that is, the standards must be higher because China is the lowest level on earth for any form of educational standards. Stop helping EF to remain in business by giving them cheap labor and stop letting them milk you for your talents.

EF is [edited]!

#12 Parent wendy_h80 - 2011-03-17
Re EF using camouflage?

Yes you hit part of the problem right on the head Dying Young. Aston English Schools do that trick with their students too. If a student does not do well so what, send the student on to the next level regardless what the teacher writes in the students passport.

Also English First Head Office of selling franchises and letting the owners run amuck with their treatment of their foreign teachers is finally coming back to bite them in the ass. EF are well known for their terrible contract hours, poor pay, extra non paid time during the summer and winter holidays and terrible treatment towards their foreign teachers. And here they are expanding big time and cannot get enough teachers due to how they the head office and their franchises conduct themselves.

There is a god!!!

#13 Parent Dying Young - 2011-03-17
Re EF using camouflage?

I must say what an interesting posting this is. It seems like people have finally woken up to the fact that the majority of E.F.'s are a load of tripe!
Though your posting is based on their new methods of trying to recruit teachers, I would also like to mention how (most of) thier language centres are only interested in taking their customers money every 8 weeks.
I am an ESL teacher with said company, and it annoys the hell out of me when for (all my best efforts) a student unfortunately fails a particular course. Naturally, one would assume they would be asked to re-sit that level, perhaps at a discounted rate as a sign of customer care and the like. No! Because of a fear that they will lose that customer they just take the money and put him/her up into the next level. Said customer obviously struggles even more at the higher level, but once again the management tell us to pass them through, so they keep on paying.
A prime example has happened just recently where I work. A student did a placement test and was placed at pre-intermediate level. His teacher for that level said he just scraped though, he failed the next level, but got put through to the next course, and this trend continued until the student reached the end of the upper-intermediate books. This totals about 7 or 8 courses. He then wanted to take a conversation class, because he was struggling with learning the grammar. He was asked to retake his placement test and he scored 5 points higher than when he originally had done it before, which would have placed him back in the same class for a General English course!
I am not blaming the teachers, they all highlighted early on that the student wasn't good enough, and the work was too hard for him. My gripe is with the management for just wanting to take his money. I would also like to say this is an isolated incident, but the truth is that it isn't.
Our boss even told us at a staff meeting, first and foremost you must remember 'THIS IS A BUSINESS'. Does that mean we have to compromise on quality? Shouldn't we aimed to maintain standards? These kind of questions are greeted with a snigger.
Thank you for your time, and enjoy your day.

Crap School Spotter - 2011-03-16
EF using camouflage?

In yet another installment of Crap School Spotter...the usual suspects such as Dave's ESL, a Web site that has zero credibility in my opinion since Dave or Dave's flunkies seemingly accept money from any school willing to pay to post their crap schools and their crap job offers, I found this ad.

Couples Preferred - Ao Jia Language School seeking two professional teachers starting in June in Qinhuangdao, China

Posted By: Ao Jia Foreign Language School <eftianjin@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, 16 March 2011, at 11:54 a.m.

After seeing the ENGLISH FIRST email in some other school's ad I then ran the email in Google.com and got these listings:

Teachers Needed in Tianjin, China | job
14 Oct 2010 ... Posted By: EF English First Tianjin <eftianjin@gmail.com>. Do you like teaching? Do you care about your students and doing a good job? ...
esljobfair.com/node/91 - Cached
ESL/EFL/TEFL English Teaching Job in Tianjin, China, Teaching ...
Please email your CV and a scan of your passport to eftianjin @ gmail.com. Sorry only short listed applicants will receive a reply. ...
www.totalesl.com/job_print.php?postingtype=job&id=25305 - Cached
Teach Business English or Young Learners in Tianjin, China
9 Nov 2010 ... If you are interested in pursuing a partnership with us please email eftianjin@gmail.com with your CV and copies of your qualifications. ...
www.eslcafe.com/jobs/china/index.cgi?read=22110 - Cached
Director of Studies for Private Language School in Tianjin, China
27 Nov 2010 ... If you are interested in pursuing a partnership with us ...
www.eslcafe.com/jobs/china/index.cgi?read=22183 - Cached
Show more results from eslcafe.com
Teachers Needed in Tianjin, China
12 Mar 2009 ... Please email your CV and any relevant documents to eftianjin@gmail.com. Sorry only short listed applicants will receive a reply. ...
www.foreignhr.com Jobs in Tianjin Teaching Jobs in Tianjin - Cached

When will the crap stop? Have things gotten so bad at all of the EF chains that it is just out of control like the Japanese nuclear power plant disasters? When will Dave's ESL Cafe stop allowing bogus posts from just any school? Why is EF trying to conceal their name and use some other name to post job offers online?

At the bottom of that posting that I just pointed out from EF they use a totally different email address. Did EF buy this other school? Is EF now a recruitment center for competing schools in similar markets? Or, is this just more of the same crap that one would expect from EF and from Dave's ESL Cafe?

Crap School Spotter. The same great value, with the same quality service.

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