Return to Index › I wonder about the advantages of working in Asia - ESL discussion
#1 Parent SiamSap - 2005-04-29
Here's one better, RC - ESL discussion

I've got one better, RhenoChinese. I teach English (what the hell else what I teach?) in Thailand, and I have a Thai English teacher 'colleague' who's going for his master's degree. This guy should be going for his grade-school degree, actually. I know third-graders in the states who are better. And this guy is 40 and has been teaching English for 17 years. He once asked me if one places the definite article 'the' in front of plural proper nouns! No kiddin'! Anway, back to the issue of cheating. I had a run-in with him once when he asked me to help him make up some lessons for his classes, or at least that is what he told me he was using the material for. I found out later he wasn't using my portion for his classes here at all. He was really submitting my work to his grad advisor and passing it off AS HIS OWN. Nothing like being raped intellectually....except maybe being raped physically.

#2 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-04-29
That sucks - ESL discussion

Man, when the teachers encourage the students to cheat, that's it for me. That's yet another reason I'm leaving Thailand--my fellow teachers 'encourage' my students to cheat. Bye-bye cheaters. One more month and I am OUT OF HERE.

#3 Parent Rheno Chinese - 2005-04-28
Not only students - ESL discussion

Some Chinese teachers cheated during their exams, too. The sickening thing is that some of these teachers allowed and help students cheat for a price.

#4 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-04-28
Cheatin' Students in Asia - ESL discussion

Hey, thanks for the info. I've run into Chinese students at my uni back in the states who plagiarized papers and cheated on exams, so it's no surprise Chinese kids cheat, cheat, cheat. I only hope Korean kids aren't cheaters. When are Thai and Chinese students gonna learn?

#5 Parent Rheno Chinese - 2005-04-27
Good on ya', mate - ESL discussion

Steer clear of China. You'll be easily pissed off.
You should get onboard a west bound 747.

#6 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-04-27
My views of teaching in Thailand - ESL discussion

I'm finishing up a one-year contract in Thailand at the end of May. Like all jobs, this one has had both its good and bad. My boss is great--the best I've ever had. However, students at my school seem to believe that they don't have to try too hard when it comes to subjects such as English. Indeed, no matter what the subject, students here think they can slack off in the classroom today and cheat on their exams tomorrow to make up for their shortcomings. Not only is cheating rampant at my school, but the instruction given by the Thai English teachers is also unbelievably inadequate. When I arrived here nearly a year ago, my students couldn't even use pronouns properly. This may seem like it's not such a big deal, but consider this--I'm talking about the BEST students in the school, the students who've attended English classes for over nine years! I've concluded, at least at my school, teaching English is futile. Until these students get serious about learning and stop their incessant cheating, teaching them will be futile. I don't how it is at other schools in Thailand, but I suspect it's more of the same everywhere else. On June 1, I will board a 747 bound for someplace, anyplace, that is NOT Thailand. Thailand--a GREAT place to visit. Not a great place to teach. I'm trying Korea next. I really hope the students there are hardworking and are as offended by cheating and cheaters as I am.


ESL teacher living in Europe - 2005-04-16
I wonder about the advantages of working in Asia - ESL discussion

Can anybody tell me ? Professional challenge ?

But just a few of these so called Natives are real teachers . Why do they want to work in Asia as teachers ?

Thanks for your reply!

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