#1 Parent Pinch - 2011-05-18

I agree with every thing which has been said in the posting from the Filipino teacher. Teachers beware of PSC or IQ Centre or even the new company the International Business Institution in Nizwa.

I first went out to Oman back in April 2011 to work for Chris [edited] on a new project which was set up in Nizwa called the International Business Institution. Got out there to find that I was being farmed out to various companies and that really I was not working for Chris at all I went to one meeting and was told say you are from this company (An English Language organisation based in Muscat) whilst sitting in the meeting this was the first I new that I was with Gulf. This was clearly false information given over to me and to the client for which I was astounded at.

Also I went down to Nizwa to find that where I was stay was no way complete nether was the institution which Chris [edited] had set up called The International Business Institution. Also the Centre Manager who was joint in charge with Chris in running the operation down in Nizwa Gary [edited] ,I learnt from staff at the Falaj Daris and fellow teachers that he owed a lot of money in Nizwa and that he got drunk and openly hung out with young men in particular his teenage students subsequently I found out from the Hotel Manager that Mr [edited] had be band due to drunk and disorderly behaviour and being threatening towards hotel staff as well as showing a keen interest into young teenage boys

Whilst in Oman I was also promised my expenses which was close to a 1000 pounds and was kept told don't worry they will be paid and to just chill and relax. Something which, after a week being in Oman I got a bit fed up with hearing. Whilst out there I had one meeting no schedule and as I said no institute to work in and OH no students. Then I was suddenly given students who were living way up in the mountains of Nizwa over an hour away I was told that I needed to get to them. One wonders how by magic carpet!!! This was a 'loose contract' my reading is 'can pull the plug at any time'

Over all my time in Oman has been stressful and a complete nightmare. I have been teaching for over 5 years in various parts of the world and have had my fair share of Mickey Mouse schools but this one takes the biscuit. I left Oman having tried to get my expenses paid which is like getting blood from a stone. I am still having this battle back in the UK, which to be honest I have written off. My main piece of advice to any teacher no mater how experienced how old is to avoid these guys at all cost they promise the world but deliver an atlas and a half dog eaten one at that. Chris [edited] has no dealings with money going in or out of the company even through he runs IQ centre and the International Business Institution in Nizwa. Salim has not replied to any of my correspondence even through I have had dealings with him. Gary is still running a muck down in Nizwa coursing havoc and will bring the reputation of any good teacher down with him as Nizwa is a one horse town.

I was not going to put my reputation as an extremely creative profession English teacher at risk of what seems like a highly unethical situation.

So in conclusion please read this blog read blogs on PSC and IQ Centre and the International Business Institution and think very, very carefully before boarding a plane to Oman to work for these guys because unless you have endless money and like working for cowboys then this is not the job for you.

#2 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-23

WoW ! I hope your lawyer get's what is yours.. Legally speaking he was 100% to put his name in the paper.. Now that employer must do " damage control " . good luck !

#3 Parent Jam - 2011-03-23

Pls giv me ur lawyers name asap.thnks.Im goin thru a hell situation in Oman n heard gud lawyers are hard to find.thnks

Radiel - 2010-09-14

I joined Professional Skills Centre (PSC), which was in Samail then in May 2008 and voluntarily ended my contract in June 2009. It was more than a year. On my last three, it was hell. I didnt get my salaries. To cut the long strory short, I resigned and asked for a released paper inorder to be able to work in another company. Little did my employer know that I will fight back,I just have to stay calm and get the release paper.

After that, I was employed by Majan University in Muscat. You cannot work in another school or college if you do not have a clean record, I mentioned clean record, a clearance which I was able to obtain. Soon thereafter, I filed a complaint at the Ministry of Manpower in Muscat then later directed me to Samail branch. I will not mention all the hardship I went through along the process. The complaint became a case after I was advised by the Philippine Embassy to further the fight. Took a private lawyer and so on.

Piror to joining, I have been hearing stories about cases against SALEM AL HARTHY by PSCs former staff, a couple from UK. I was just working , I said to my self.

8 months after he released me, Salem charged me of stealing stuff from the center and leaving the flat without paying (it was part of my contract , a free furnished accomodation) .How could you relased someone to work in another company if she/he has still standing obligations? After 8 months? The reason?, because he saw his name on a newspaper that I filed a case against him. Putting him on a newspaper was the first legal step that my lawyer did. So SALEM AL HARTHY counter charged me, he fabricated a lot of cheques with my faked signatures plus so many stupid charges that he didnt even think about before charging me.Example, I didnt pay the rent of my flat, I came May 2008 and left August 2009, how is it possible? Stupid eh? That I also I took the fridge when I left..lol !Salem knew where I was working because he released me to my new employer, Majan Uni.

Now, there was this British Lady who was my coleague then, joined Salem in his newly opened business in Sohar( under the same name , PSC ) and you all know how Arab men are when it comes to ladies.plus the lady was kinda slutty! Salem took her in Sohar to teach but I was left out, in other words they dumped me. I said dumped because they waited till I leave the place and never mentioned anything about opening a new center in Sohar.I left without getting my salaries but a piece of paper stating that I will get my money in due time which later proves to be the strongest document I use in the court.

No one even helped me to moved out, no phone calls, nothing.I was really left out. What Salem and his associated did was heart breaking.

On September 10, 2010, after their lovey-dovey in Sohar, that they thought wont stop, the Brit Lady emailed me. It was a surprised , it was after almost a year, tellling me that she is now suing Salem for unpaid salaries.KARMA WORKS! PRAYER WORKS! I didnt feel anything for the lady, I didnt pity her.

My advise, avoid this Center, ..PROFESSIONAL SKILLS CENTER, SALEM AL HARTHY, CHRIS MAGNESS, a British guy, Salems interviewer for new teachers, they are both big liars. The centre will not be in Sohar anymore but else where, so be careful. They will be good at first but later they will not pay you anymore.Salem has a bachelors degree in Cheating major in Lying..hes very good in cheating people.

I left the country Oman for good and with a case still going on, my lawyer has sms me already that the final decision of Nizwa court will be in October 2010. I do not hope to win, I just have to do what I have torather than to live forever with a thought ringing in my head, what could have been, if I didnt do or if I did.I decided to move on and I am writing this because it is my moral obligation to inform, warn, teachers planning to work in Oman. PLEASE PASS THIS ON.

I am also doing this on behalf of all my colleagues who worked in PSC and didnt get paid, Ben and Sophie (British couple) , Mike Butler who was, forcefully sent back home also with unpaid salaries, Caroline Kunder, an Indian national, Tony Farmer, Graham Bancroft . I was the last one to leave the center before they move to Sohar.


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