#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

At least he left an email. What about you, Mr. "Ya'll"? [edited]

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

There's the 'add a picture (optional)' part with a 'choose file' button. Easy to miss for new posters.

Unfortunately, this site doesn't allow you to post larger pictures. You might be better off hosting it elsewhere and posting a link.

#3 Parent Beleiber4Ever - 2013-10-02
(Message Deleted by Poster)
#4 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

Well, if you was accused of noncing around, would you post it publicly on a forum or talk to a lawyer? Everybody knows the story is questionable, just from what was written. The last thing anybody facing such serious allegations would do, is go public.

#5 Parent ImTHEguy - 2013-10-02
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

I put this email because my main email is my full name, which I don't want to share with everyone who visits this site. I have a deportation stamp on my passport that proves I'm the guy lol. The date matches my story. I don't know how to post photos on here though.

#6 Parent Ya'llShouldBeAshamedOfUrselves.... - 2013-10-01
(Message Deleted by Poster)
#7 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-10-01
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

For this kind of issue, you are better off contacting the likes of CityWeekend or TheBeijinger and giving them the evidence.
Also, you should have a right to appeal, a lawyer would be a better person to contact, not this board. Good luck.

#8 Parent I'mTHEguy - 2013-10-01
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

First off, hello everyone. I'm the guy who was actually deported. Believe it or not, it is up to you. Here is what happened. The school didn't want to pay me and got me into trouble with the police to avoid paying me. I never showed my students any porn and I also never groped my students. I basically was found to be teaching illegally, because I was still waiting for my working visa to finish processing (it takes forever!). The police said that I couldn't teach until after the day I actually had the working visa in my hand. The immigration police were keeping my main reason for being arrested a secret for days. Representatives from my embassy actually were the first ones to tell me that there was a child molestation charge against me! Here is the funny thing, Hampson later verified that this was a "mistake" on their part and that the woman was 24 years old...hardly a child if you ask me. Regardless of this absurd charge...I was innocent of it. They still didn't care because I was in trouble for teaching illegally anyway. I was in a "detention center" (which was a prison) for 7 days and then immediately escorted to the airport to face deportation. The police told me that I can't ever obtain a work visa in China again and that I can visit China as a tourist only after 5 years. My passport was stamped and I was promptly put on the next plane to the US. All I gotta say is Beijing was so polluted that I was planning in leaving anyway. What a shithole. I felt like I was dying of cancer there everyday. I am now teaching in Southeast Asia and it is a lot better.

Miscellaneous info: In the process of all this, a woman named Grace was fired and a woman named Donna was demoted and is working at another branch.

#9 Parent M boss - 2013-07-08
Re: HAMPSON ENGLISH- Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn
A foreign teacher who was employed by Hampson English in Beijing, was arrested on June 25 for forcing an 18 year old female student to watch porn and for groping her.
According to the girl’s mother, Mrs. Chen, her daughter had decided to take one-on-one English lessons this summer before she went off to study abroad. Hampson English recommended this particular English teacher because of his experience teaching dozens of students in the past. On June 15, her daughter attended the class in the Wantong Building by Fuchengmen. During the session, the teacher apparently watched a porn video on his computer and groped the girl. The girl immediately stormed out of the classroom and called her parents.
By the time the police arrived at the scene, the teacher had already fled. He was later apprehended however and has been sentenced to seven days in detention while his deportation paper work is being processed.
The Director of HR of Hampson English Ms. Shen, admitted that there are loopholes in the management of foreign teachers. She added that a Chinese teacher was supposed to be present during the one-on-one tutorial but arrived late for work and has since resigned. Moreover, the branch manager has been sacked and another demoted. The school is also currently discussing compensation in the amount of 500,000 RMB with the victim’s family.
Keywords: Hampson teacher arrested Foreign Teacher Arrested in Beijing for Forcing Female Student to Watch Porn

#10 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-27

Hello all! I want to update everyone on the status of Hampson as an employer.
They are a totally corrupt business who shouldn't be able to operate at all. It is surprising they still here.

They do not supply Z-Visas but tax their workers. Take 40 teachers, 35 are working illegally there.

If they don't pay enough under the table or they anger one of their employees off enough to cause trouble with the authorities, you get blacklisted from China, they pay a small fine.

They provide neither social or personal health insurance, which is why your taxes are being taken. They're stealing your money full-stop.

If you don't work 15-20 hours plus on the weekends, you will get virtually no hours, and they pay the lowest hourly wages of all the chain schools. And they charge more than Wallstreet for their courses.

You will not make 20,000 RMB without working 45 hours a week plus...but

Hours are given politically and based on who the sales girls like the most.

Well over half the employees aren't native speakers, but honest Chinese parents are told they are.

Do not under any circumstance work for Hampson - they are dead last for English chain schools in China.

If you are working there now, take your last paycheck and leave - go to English First, Wallsteet, New Oriental, etc

It's great that foreign teachers have given their opinions here, but if you have complaints about Hampson English and really want them to be heard, create a baidu account, and write them in Chinese so that potential customers know what is really happening.

I agree with some of what you say. I want to point out a fact that should be obvious; no matter how educated you may be, no matter how many degrees you may have(even for English) unless you are a native born English speaker, you are never ever going to be able to teach oral English as well as a person without any qualifications at all; therefore, it's not disgraceful employing native English speakers, not capable of obtaining Z Visas because they don't havee degrees, but it is certainly disgraceful in doing what this school is doing, palming off non native speakers as the real thing, be they legally qualified or not.

#11 Parent John - 2012-12-27

Hello all! I want to update everyone on the status of Hampson as an employer.

They are a totally corrupt business who shouldn't be able to operate at all. It is surprising they still here.

They do not supply Z-Visas but tax their workers. Take 40 teachers, 35 are working illegally there.

If they don't pay enough under the table or they anger one of their employees off enough to cause trouble with the authorities, you get blacklisted from China, they pay a small fine.

They provide neither social or personal health insurance, which is why your taxes are being taken. They're stealing your money full-stop.

If you don't work 15-20 hours plus on the weekends, you will get virtually no hours, and they pay the lowest hourly wages of all the chain schools. And they charge more than Wallstreet for their courses.

You will not make 20,000 RMB without working 45 hours a week plus...but

Hours are given politically and based on who the sales girls like the most.

Well over half the employees aren't native speakers, but honest Chinese parents are told they are.

Do not under any circumstance work for Hampson - they are dead last for English chain schools in China.

If you are working there now, take your last paycheck and leave - go to English First, Wallsteet, New Oriental, etc

It's great that foreign teachers have given their opinions here, but if you have complaints about Hampson English and really want them to be heard, create a baidu account, and write them in Chinese so that potential customers know what is really happening.

#12 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-24
Guangdong-Pei Zheng College Guangzhou

[edited] schools.. Anyone working at Guangdong-Pei Zheng College Guangzhou please note your Feb pay should be paid 24 days ago.. If it's not, ask those who got paid how... Karl is in trouble i hear :b

#13 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-23

I am just a simple white boy with a MA in Police Science, fluent in several languages, taught over 5 years at both a college and university level. 20 000 rmb a month at a training school ? IMPOSSIBLE ! ! ! ! ! If your background is strong, maybe and i say MAYBE at an international school teaching a specific major such as math, science, bio chem, that's possible

Pat - 2011-03-23

I have FIRSTHAND knowledge about how HAMPSON operates. No one will reveal who the owner of the school is. Hampson is not even accredited to operate in Shenzhen they ARE NOT licensed. Look at the plaques on the walls or ask them to show their Shenzhen license THEY CANT, BECAUSE THEY DONT HAVE ONE!


And here is how it works:
#1 they let anyone work there. They dont check out credentials or experience or education background. You could be a Child Molester


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