Return to Index › Teaching in Jeju Island Korea..also Taiwan
#1 Parent ANET - 2011-03-25
Re Teaching in Jeju Island Korea..also Taiwan

Jeju Island at the southern tip of South Korea is a beautiful place. It's good for vacationers and tourists.
As for English education, it is much like the rest of Korea. If you are lucky enough to sign up with a reputable school, you will love it. If not, and this is most likely, you will hate it and leave with a bias and permanent bad memories.
If you do go to Korea, make sure you are properly enrolled in the National Insurance Program, because if you get sick or injured, without medical insurance, you will know hell on earth.
My advice: keep searching the Net as you just did and try Taiwan, not Korea and avoid Ulsan at all costs.
Good Luck

#2 Parent Kanadian - 2011-03-23
Re Teaching in Jeju Island Korea..also Taiwan

I did Korea a few years ago.. Hardest 3 months of my life.. again, it was a hong won or training school. My first week in Korea I meet a British guy, his 5 month. We were talking and it seems he worked for a training school not far from mine. He knew my boss.. His words were run run run... WOW ! It seemed all of his expats were quitting their school on pay day.... ha ha ha :b

Toni - 2011-03-22
Teaching in Jeju Island Korea..also Taiwan

I haven't seen too many postings for jobs in Taiwan, but I have received contact from an agency there. Does anyone know anything about the situation/lifestyle/conditions in Taiwan? I'd appreciate any feedback. Also, Jeju island in Korea sounds and appears to be nice..any first hand wrk experience there??

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