Return to Index › what can u tell me about this company - ESL discussion
#1 Parent jinchafa - 2005-05-01
To Jeremy, Re: Read this contract - ESL discussion

Sorry, the link wouldn't open. What's your message?

#2 Parent Jeremy - 2005-04-28
you have to be kidding me---no way jose

http://www.iacc.com.tw/jobs.htm read this contract

#3 Parent jinchafa - 2005-04-24
To Allen Re: Paying fees upfront - ESL discussion

Hi Allen, Anyone wanting fees upfront or wanting to deduct wages from your salary should be avoided at all costs. If you are serious about teaching in Asia, you can find a reputable company or school to work for. However, research them carefully. Don't be afraid to ask serious and meaningful questions. If they can't or won't answer your questions, that's a fairly good indication of whether or not they will act honorably in the future. A truly worthwhile organization to work for would be one that not only recognizes your qualifications but also understands your concerns. Ask yourself if you'd like to work for someone who avoids answering your serious inquiries. If the answer is no, continue searching. Good luck!

#4 Parent The Owl - 2005-04-20
Full name of I@CC - ESL discussion

Could you please give us the full name of this company? I did a quick search and could not find it.

What country do they cover?

Thank you
The Owl

allen - 2005-04-20
what can u tell me about this company - ESL discussion

I recently have been making some inquiries about I@CC and am puzzled about a Service Charge and Other Fees that are as follows
1. NT$ 5,000 to be collected from the teacher upon arrival in Taiwan.
2. NT$ 3,000 to be collected from the teacher's first month's payroll.
3. NT$ 8,000 to be collected from the teacher's second month's payroll.
4. NT$ 8,000 to be collected from the teacher's third month's payroll.

Is this a normal type of contract?

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