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#1 Parent Tom - 2011-04-04
Re Accept Black People...

At my uni, I have established a close relationship with a young FAO. He has told me in confidence that our uni's policy is not to employ black people ever again. According to him, the main reason for this is that some blacks who taught there in the past complained too much. Other reasons are that they partied late into the night, played loud music, and some of the African men were indiscreet with their Chinese girlfriends in public places, causing anger among passers-by. For example, they'd hold hands, hug, and even kiss them while out for a stroll in broad daylight. This is unacceptable in a conservative society in a third-tier city. Others did not speak standard English. That was noted by some Chinese professors who'd traveled abroad to English-speaking countries to study there.

Oh, you have, have you? Do you mind me asking just how close this relationship might be?

Loud music is an absolute pain and inconsiderate. Personally, I don't like any type of music, especially self-indulgent sentimental bilge. I do like to open my windows and listen to the birds singing but I'm afraid in China they've either poisoned or eaten most of them.

It doesn't matter who you are, in public you shouldn't be flaunting and snogging the locals- that just makes good common sense, I would have thought. There are bolshy twits around these days who confuse pig-ignorance with assertiveness- "I can do what i like and care not what you think" type of attitude, meaning of course 'I respect you not.'

I can't blame the authorities for wanting to show such arrogant yobs the door. The fact that China if far from perfect has nowt to do with the price of fish.

#2 Parent Tom - 2011-04-04
Re Accept Black People...

Unacceptable in a "conservative society..." but running hotel/rental apartments just across the street from a college so that students can go into those places and do the horizontal bop at 200 RMB per hour is perfectly OK right? Get off it [edited]. China is no more conservative than Los Angeles and with vibrator and dildo shops on every other block, China is not even close to being conservative and with 1.3 billion + people, I would say that someone is getting busy somewhere.

Hello Sweetheart
There are thousands of black Africans teaching in China. I don't quite know what they're teaching because it's quite true, you can hardly understand a word they say; however, It would certainly be a lot safer for students to copulate with these people than popping across the road to your 'horizontal bopping place' as you eloquently put it, since all FT's are obliged to have a blood test. It would certainly be safer to do that (by the way are you sure that horizontal place is not a KFC?) but it probably wouldn't deal with a financially-challenged student's cash flow problem, since most Africans have a large extended family at home which they must provide for.

I have a lot of sympathy for cash-struck students "needs must when the devil drives" If popping down your average Chinese Road teeming with sin can save you from a life drudgery--well, who are we to judge?

You sound a fiery little thing, My Dear. Do you like mature Englishmen?

#3 Parent Lip Stick - 2011-04-03
Re Accept Black People...

Unacceptable in a "conservative society..." but running hotel/rental apartments just across the street from a college so that students can go into those places and do the horizontal bop at 200 RMB per hour is perfectly OK right? Get off it [edited]. China is no more conservative than Los Angeles and with vibrator and dildo shops on every other block, China is not even close to being conservative and with 1.3 billion + people, I would say that someone is getting busy somewhere.

#4 Parent Croc - 2011-04-03
Re Accept Black People...

Well, the reasons your FAO gives are practical issues that are related to different culture and behaviour patterns, and I would not call that entirely "racist".

On the other hand, to relate that to all "blacks" is racist again because it is an generalisation that again is based on appearance. It is probable that you can't expect anything else from an FAO, whether young or old, in a "third-tier" city that must be in the middle of nowhere. It's mostly there where decent "white" teachers wont like to go.

#5 Parent Bavarian bier - 2011-04-03
Re Accept Black People...

And Chinese couples NEVER do any of the above right? :\

Sounds to me like the FAO/uni got issues...if it wasn't black people, it would be all the ta ma de wai guo ren... :( >:(

#6 Parent Unsurpassed - 2011-04-03
Re Accept Black People...

At my uni, I have established a close relationship with a young FAO. He has told me in confidence that our uni's policy is not to employ black people ever again. According to him, the main reason for this is that some blacks who taught there in the past complained too much. Other reasons are that they partied late into the night, played loud music, and some of the African men were indiscreet with their Chinese girlfriends in public places, causing anger among passers-by. For example, they'd hold hands, hug, and even kiss them while out for a stroll in broad daylight. This is unacceptable in a conservative society in a third-tier city. Others did not speak standard English. That was noted by some Chinese professors who'd traveled abroad to English-speaking countries to study there.

#7 Parent Croc - 2011-04-02
Re Accept Black People...

Do you think I could apply there as well?
If they do not discriminate on grounds of appearance but of performance, I think I should have a good chance because of my nice face, shatp white teeth and my lovely big mouth - and I am pretty good in biting!

Crap School Spotter - 2011-04-02
Accept Black People...

Gotta love this one. Racism in China?? Nah...

Here is the link:

Here is the actual ad:

foreign teacher needed, accept black people Apr 2, 9:44am

we need a foreign teacher. Main job is to talk with students, pratise their sopken English and ... more

Employment Available | English Teaching | Full Time

Hey, at least the fuc**s spelled English correctly.

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