Return to Index › Teacher Age Limit - ESL discussion
#1 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-04-28
What a relief - ESL discussion

Robert, it's good that guys like you post your positive experiences. I've read at other internet hang-outs that Korea likes to discriminate against older people. I'm glad to hear you've been doing well up there. My dream is to move to SK, earn an online MA degree, then find a teaching position at a uni and teach there for twenty or thirty years.


#2 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-04-27
It may not be age - ESL discussion

I'm 38, white, and male, and I'm planning on coming to South Korea in June. I've been in contact with several recruiters to find a job at a high school there, but they've not been much help. I've not told anyone my age, nor have I sent anyone copies of documents that may give them a clue about my age. I graduated in '01, so that isn't tipping them off, either. My point is finding a *good* job in South Korea via the net seems to be difficult at the moment. I'll probaby do what many others have done: simply hop a flight to Seoul in June and hoof it on my own to find the job I like.


#3 Parent Robert Perry - 2005-04-27
ha - ESL discussion

I am 51 and have had no problem. I was hired when out of the country. Responsible schools will hire you. Currently the classical blond haired, blue eyed 20 year old is under attack by the media. More schools are looking to the mature and stable geriatric types like myself (ha ha). Put your resume on the thing and get your foot in the door. I worked one year with a hogwan (institute) teaching senior executives and CEO's and then was approached by a women's university where I have been for a few years. I know lots of teachers in their 40-50's...it is not a problem. The places who are interested in Barbie and Ken are not worth working for.

I do have an in-resident MA TESOL for a California State Uni, but that may or may not have made a difference.

I am sure you would have no problem finding employment in a legitimate place.

I love it here, get 4 months paid holiday a year and go scuba diving in Thailand.

#4 Parent Mike B. - 2005-04-14
Buy yourself a plane ticket - ESL discussion

Most schools here seem to have an age limit of somewhere around 30-35, however there are teachers well over that if you look around.

However best bet is to jump on a plane and look in person, I doubt you'll have much luck finding anywhere remotely decent to work over internet if you are much older than 30.

#5 Parent Na - 2005-04-13
age - ESL discussion

> I'm considering teaching in Korea, and wondered if most schools have
> an age-limit for teachers. I'm in my 50's. Any information?

> Thanks,

> David

Better odds applying within Korea. Best.. >\-|

David - 2005-04-13
Teacher Age Limit - ESL discussion

I'm considering teaching in Korea, and wondered if most schools have an age-limit for teachers. I'm in my 50's. Any information?



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