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#1 Parent Bavarian bier - 2011-04-09
Received Pronunciation - Linyi University

On this you are wrong, sorry to say...

#2 Parent Tom - 2011-04-08
Received Pronunciation - Linyi University

zhong guo tong

And there was me thinking you a young slip of a lad knowing nowt about China, having spent too much time in the country getting over-involved with unsuspecting brothers of brothers.

This well-written bloke is well-pleased to have landed on his feet in Shanxi after a bad experience with another company (probably didn't have an African accent) Why try and undermine his exuberance?

What did actually happen with that FT's brother-or my brother if you reallly must? Must have been something shocking to drive you into the hands of the Bosh?

#3 Parent bavarian beers! - 2011-04-08
Received Pronunciation - Linyi University

The main thing is that I'm back in employment, other things pale into insignificance in comparison

Yeah, because breathing coal dust and thus endangering your health and being gawked at and scrutinized by locals is really good for your happiness, isn't it?

Well now you are there you will have to man up and tough it out the whole year, just like we all have had to in the past, no excuses...get on with it and then get out...best advice from an old zhong guo tong now elsewhere!

Cheers and beers....

#4 Parent Proper Native Speaker - 2011-04-07
Received Pronunciation - Linyi University

Good luck in Shanxi, you won't be short of coal.

Short of coal? I'm sick of the sight of the stuff! So far, after a month of teaching in the province, that's about the only big negative I can come up with. Net to worry, nothing is perfect. The main thing is that I'm back in employment, other things pale into insignificance in comparison.
I seem to recall that you were teaching in a coastal city of Shandong. A better living environment than Shanxi, of that there's no doubt.
I hope you can continue to teach in China in your upandcoming golden years. In spite of what some say about teaching here, I'm sure it's a better deal overall than teaching in most of its Asian neighbours. If I were to try another country for EFLing, I'd go to Thailand or Vietnam, but I'd limit my job search to the public sector.

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