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#1 Parent Apollyon - 2011-04-11
Re F visa OK for teaching in China?

I have slightly edited a recent job ad placed by a Chinese School on another EFL website. See below, and please pay particular attention to the parts I've highlighted in red. They imply that it's OK to teach with an F visa in China, but is this actually the case?

****** english school is an famous english traning school in ****** province.now we have many basement school here and many foreign teachers are working in our school.As the new lesson plan,we need two english foreign teacher at once.Not Part time job,we need full time teacher.This time we do not want to employ the foreign students who are studing in ****** as the visa problem.

We can accept the F visa
,but it is better Z visa.we provide the foreign teacher 4500RMB monthly,if you have riv\ch teaching experience and easy going with the students,we can consider increase the salary for you.
Job Description:
the students are aged from 6-12 yrs old.we need the foreign teacher arrival here at once,the teacher who are in China right noe is the best.
we can accept the F visa
.pls reach us if you are available.we can accept the teacher from Non english native country

I don't know why you bothered to edit the job description because jobs like this are ten a penny, nobody will pinch it.

You first of all want to know if they'll turn your L visa into a F one when you arrive. or if they'll give you the paperwork to get the F before you arrive in China. Normally you breeze in on a tourist L and they get you the F visa when you get there. Ask them, who pays for that and your medical?

It is normally strictly speaking illegal to teach on an F. But you shouldn't be a scary-cat-any number of riff-raff working illegally in China. At the worst you'll be frog-marched to the aeroplane. Don't be a pansy, go for it. When they've shit all over you, you'll be qualified to be a regular poster on this site.

#2 Parent Eureka - 2011-04-11
Re F visa OK for teaching in China?

The actual job ad you're on about is on the link below. Apparently, Changchun is one of those outposts of China where the visa regulations are not followed to the letter by the powers that be in certain circumstances.
That's a good thing for those of us who are short of the required academic teaching qualifications or officially too old or too young to be employed as foreign teachers in China, or indeed without the necessary two years of valid teaching experience.


#3 Parent Dot - 2011-04-11
Re F visa OK for teaching in China?

Thanks for your detailed and comprehensive response. China seems to be a land of contradictions, and the rule of law doesn't always apply. Those things are painfully obvious from your contribution. Things there must be very different from the west. I bet it takes some getting used to, living and teaching there!

#4 Parent Crap School Spotter - 2011-04-11
Re F visa OK for teaching in China?

NO. In most cases it is NOT AT ALL LEGAL to work on ANYTHING, AT ANY TIME, ANYWHERE in China other than a Z visa.

But...there are a few RARE exceptions to this.

1) Somewhere down south in China you can legally work on an L visa and after 180 days it is upgraded to a Z visa locally. I am talking about (spelling uncertain), Gway-Lee or Gwee Joe? I have seen it in writing before and I know of a few people that had done that in the last 1-year or so, but I cannot remember the facts right now.

Z visas in some parts of China can still be gotten without leaving China's mainland.

2) In some rare situations depending on the structure of the "school" license and depending on how their license is worded and where they are doing business, you CAN and you MAY legally work on an F visa. I cannot not quote a legal source here but I know that it is true on some highly rare and unique situations. Again, I cannot remember facts, but it was something like a business consulting service legal loophole whereby people could work on an F but again, I cannot recall where. I do know it was valid, and it may still be. Some places, during the transition phase of waiting for their right to hire the white monkey licenses, are given a wide birth, even if not officially and the local police will accept or tolerate an F visa pending the Z visa hiring permission from the PSB.

None of these are China-wide policies however.
Some provinces have near total autonomy to do as they please.

In Inner-Mongolia as an example you need a police clearance from your own country to get a Z visa. At least that was the way is used to be.

You also should know that in some situations, the local relationships between a school and the police can make something that is illegal, legal with a little red envelope and everyone is happy from the fire chief to the immigration man. That is also more often the case than not.

Best bet is to get a Z visa in all cases and the FEC and then you are covered 100%

Many yeas ago I was on an F visa, a 2-year F mind you, multiple entry, and I had an FEC at the same time. Stranger things have happened in China.

Dot - 2011-04-10
F visa OK for teaching in China?

I have slightly edited a recent job ad placed by a Chinese School on another EFL website. See below, and please pay particular attention to the parts I've highlighted in red. They imply that it's OK to teach with an F visa in China, but is this actually the case?

****** english school is an famous english traning school in ****** province.now we have many basement school here and many foreign teachers are working in our school.As the new lesson plan,we need two english foreign teacher at once.Not Part time job,we need full time teacher.This time we do not want to employ the foreign students who are studing in ****** as the visa problem.
We can accept the F visa
,but it is better Z visa.we provide the foreign teacher 4500RMB monthly,if you have riv\ch teaching experience and easy going with the students,we can consider increase the salary for you.
Job Description:
the students are aged from 6-12 yrs old.we need the foreign teacher arrival here at once,the teacher who are in China right noe is the best.
we can accept the F visa
.pls reach us if you are available.we can accept the teacher from Non english native country.

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